Friday, April 30, 2010

061 - Rainy Mood

Best. Website. EVERRRR

You do need sound for this, by the way. As if you couldn't guess...

I've also decided to just buy a new phone instead of complaining about how bad my old one is.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

060 - Butterfly Blue Puzzle

[Edit: I don't know where it went, but I promise there was a jigsaw puzzle right here until about ten minutes ago. Well, it stayed up for the whole of day #060 so that's enough for me. It was a tricky one, too!]



In other news, I had a filling removed and replaced to deal with the broken enamel (not as bad as I feared). Now the numbness is wearing off it's starting to hurt. Sigh.

I also only got two hours of sleep last night. Why? Because my mind wouldn't shut off. It was too busy running away with a new book idea. I know, I know, I haven't even run with the other ideas I've had, but I might just see where this one takes me. Watch this space.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

059 - But It Doesn't Hurt!

This blogging thing is becoming second nature at this stage. I'm surprised, because I thought it would have become a chore after a week or two. I admit, the first while was a little difficult but now it's more like diary or a more personal version of a social networking site. It's like having your own little house that you can invite people into whenever you want, and it just so happens that I want to invite them in every day.

On that note I want to say hi to my only stalker - I mean 'follower' - that I don't actually know. Hi Kevin! Welcome! Pull up a chair and grab some popcorn. And try not to fall asleep.

It's almost 1pm, which means I have to leave quite soon to catch a bus to catch another bus that will take me up to my parents' home. Why am I doing this mid-week instead of the usual weekend trip? Sigh.

I have to go to the dentist.

There. I said it. Now hopefully I won't panic so much every time I think of it.


Nope, that didn't work.

I broke one of my back teeth over a week ago. Now, it doesn't hurt and doesn't bother me at all, but people keep telling me I have to get it seen to, ignoring my panic-stricken face at the mention of a dentist. My mother actually made the appointment for me, and has offered to pay for it too (for those not familiar with Ireland health systems, basically it's half the price to go across the border into Northern Ireland for dental work than it is to get it done down here... which is why I'm going to my parents). My dad has actually taken the day off work and is driving me to the clinic himself. I swear I'm not that bad when it comes to the dentist, but it does say something when a 24 year old needs her dad to walk her to the door. Or, more importantly, her dad does it without asking.

My appointment is on Thursday - tomorrow.... ohgodI'mgoingtodie - which means I'll be up there from later today until Friday. So, no blog tomorrow. Well, no live one. I'll end up writing one and scheduling it for tomorrow instead. Hmm... Oh! Puzzle time! It's been a while.

Random, barely important updates?
I'm currently watching Ghost Hunters season 3 and Warehouse 13 season 1 (season 2 isn't out yet).
Listening to a CD I bought from a pair of guys busking on Henry Street a while ago. They're really good. Ryan Sheridan and Arthur Graczyk. Check out Or you can watch the video up above, but it's not his best song, in my opinion. Check the myspace page though. You won't be disappointed. I don't think.
I've been nomming on Special K Mini Breaks. They're really really good. Like cookies without the fat.
I've been trying to donate blood for the last few weeks, and yet again my plans have been foiled by you pesky kids!!! Or, rather, my dentist appointment.
I lost another 2lbs!
My horrible room mate is moving out. Yessss!
Oh, and I'm dying my hair blue.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

058 - Goodbye Facebook

Why did I delete my Facebook account? Well, it's simple. Facebook does nothing but cause trouble for me. The people I care about already have my number or IM addresses and keep in contact that way. Facebook opens the door to people I don't even know to contact me and judge me (as has been happening) and has a habit of throwing people I generally dispise back in my face, over and over. Maybe that's why it's called 'face'book... hmm...

Plus, lately, Facebook has been so glitchy it drives me nuts.

I hate it more than I love it, so it seemed pointless to subject myself to it every day.

Monday, April 26, 2010

057 - High Heel Damage

I don't wear heels, but always said I wish I could. I never wore them because of my height and general lack of balance. Now, I'm glad I never got to.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

056 - Retribution

Recently I came across what I believe to be the best use of Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn I have ever seen.

It was being used as a block/wedge to hold a sash window open. It wasn't even a hardback copy.

Meyer - 0, fans - 1

Saturday, April 24, 2010

055 - Dublin Airheads

I was sitting on a bus driving near Dublin airport and overheard two young women behind me having a conversation. Below I've quoted some of their more humorous moments...

"I want to go to Africa - not the bad part though, the good part."

"I want to go to Milan. Oh, and Italy. I've never been to Italy."

"I want to go to Iceland."
"I've heard that it's nice there."
"Oh, I thought you meant the shop."

[A plan is flying east from the airport.]
"I wonder where they're going..."
"Dunno. There's a lot of stuff that way."

Friday, April 23, 2010

054 - Light At The End Of The Tunnel?


I overheard two of my housemates arguing this morning about one of their doings, and it sounds like the bane of my existence is moving out. He went to look at a place today anyway. Fingers crossed he leaves ASAP, because if he doesn't go soon I might have to.

On another note, has anyone else ever come across someone that just rubs you up the wrong way entirely, right from the first moment? Or do I just have that effect on people?

Oh, and another lesson: just because milk says it's in date and smells like it's fresh doesn't mean it actually is.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

053 - Starfruit

Yes, we've been playing Fruit Roulette again. This week's choice was a starfruit.

I don't like star fruit.

Ok, so it looks awesome, and when you slice it across the middle it's really pretty (white flesh surrounded by thin green skin), but it doesn't taste good!

The shop said it tasted like papaya and orange and grapefruit, all in one. Well, it doesn't. Firstly, you can eat the skin, which is like really fine rubber. The fleshy part has a texture of under-ripe melon, with a strange lumpiness that reminded me a little of citrus fruit, but not as juicy. It's quite hard too, and it tastes like bitter grass. It just smells like a plant... like 'green', you know?

Not enjoyable at all, but at least we now know what star fruit tastes like.

Papaya still wins. Mmmm.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

052 - FREE Books?!

My Weight Watchers class is held in the Dublin Central Mission Hall, which I had never heard of until I went there. In the Central Mission Hall (aside from the usual church-y and community type things) they sell second hand books for €1 each. If that wasn't good enough, I found a box of FREE books!!! I stole two. And I felt guilty about it, kinda, but the woman at reception wouldn't take any money for them. So I might have to buy more books.

One book I picked up was Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs. It's one of those wolf pack, hippy kinda fantasy novels. Not my usual type but I've always wondered what the hype was about.

The second book was Mister Monday by Garth Nix. My sister owns the entire series (seven books) already, but I didn't want to borrow another book of her, seeing as I still have one she let me borrow over a year ago. I figured if I like Mister Monday, whenever I get round to reading it, I'll easily eat my way through the other ones, so I wouldn't be holding onto them forever.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

051 - Got The Ball Rolling

After my first week of being back at Weight Watchers I've lost 4.5 lbs. Yay!!! Only 50 more to go!

And no, I won't be taking the lazy way out and just blogging my progress every Tuesday. I promise.

Monday, April 19, 2010

050 - Tangerine

I've finally sorted out my room, which means I can get back to writing properly again. So, what do you think of the new desk?

Matt told me to get orange because it matched my nail varnish.

It looks like that, over there, to the right if you haven't noticed... but it has a little add-on hutch kinda thing on top, with a shelf and a whiteboard. A WHITEBOARD! A MAGNETIC whiteboard! Now I just need magnets. And a whiteboard marker. Yes, 'need'. I can't write my masterpiece without them, can I?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

049 - 2 for 1 Recipe

Sometimes, I like to cook. Sometimes I'm too lazy. Conveniently enough, I discovered a way to make two different meals from the same basic ingredients. It's great if you're only cooking for one or two. It's simple, and depending on how much you make, can last a few days in the fridge and can be frozen.

Basics you need:
75g of minced (ground) beef per meal
onion, as much as you want
carrot, as much as you want (the more you add, the more meals you'll make)
beef stock cube

For Bolognese, you will also need:
a tin of chopped tomatoes
tomato puree
fresh tomatoes (optional, depending on how much food you want to make)
red pepper, as much as you want
herbs of your choice

For some sort of stew-like dish, you will need:
beef gravy
parsnips (optional, because I hate them)
mushrooms (optional - I've discovered that I like it better without them)
other veggies if you really want...

Ok, so, cook the meat until it turns brown, and drain off the excess fat/water.
Chop the carrots and onion quite small, so that they cook easily, and throw them into the pot with the meat, and crumble in a beef stock cube. Now decide what you're going to do with it. Half can be frozen to be used for a second dish at a later date if you want, or it will keep in the fridge for a day or two.

Add the all of the tomato things and pepper (chopped small, like the carrots and onion), and let it simmer on a low to medium heat for about 40 mins, adding the herbs half way through. Stir it every now and again, and don't forget about it! Oh, and cook some pasta too. If you cook pasta in salted water it tastes nommy.

Add a few cups of water (relative to how much food you're making), and add any veggies and potatoes you want to. Let the whole thing boil for 20 - 30 minutes. Take some of the water out and use it to mix the gravy (however you do it... gravy granules are my friend) then add it back into the pot and leave it to thicken for about 10 minutes.

The best part about this food is that if you're on a Weight Watchers plan, you only have to count points for the meat and pasta/potatoes. And if you really want, try changing the beef mince to turkey (roughly half the Points). Oh, and Point the other veggies if you add some to the stew thing.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

048 - Wordy Stuff

I am never more than a month old, yet I am older than any living thing. What am I?

Missing vowels:

S N I T L U (there are two answers for this one)

Friday, April 16, 2010

047 - Goosebumps

(Please note, the names of the people in this blog have been changed, because I'm paranoid, and this story involves kids.)

Not the excited kind of goosebumps. The creepy kind.

I was walking to my cousin's hair salon earlier today with my mother when she told me how a family friend was moving into 'Karen Fletcher's old house' and I told her how that house always made me uneasy. About half an hour later my cousin was talking about spooky goings-on with a client when we overheard her say "That's like Karen Fletcher's house. I hated being in there." Mam looked at me wide-eyed and I have to admit, my skin crawled. Later, we asked my cousin what she meant, and... well, let me start from the beginning...

When I was a teenager I babysat for two boys, we'll call them Charlie and Brian Fletcher. Since I looked after them they've moved home several times, so this story is about the house they lived in years ago. Until the conversation with my cousin today I didn't know she, too, looked after them, when they were younger (she's older than I am, so when she became too old to babysit, I started).

Every time I was in that house, I felt uneasy. From the very beginning I had no reason to feel that way, but the longer I babysat them, the more often strange things happened. I always put it down to some sort of psychological influence, because the boys would tell me about this monster they'd seen; a figure with disfigured head and huge horns that lived in the attic. I think I called it Maggie to see if naming their imaginary 'friend' would make them (and me) less scared. We hated the attic. In all the years I visited that house I'd only ever been in the attic once, despite it having a solid staircase leading up to it. It wasn't dangerous to get into.

Apart from the cold atmosphere, there were noises. We'd hear creaking, knocking, tapping, whispers, hissing... all things I told myself were just the heating turning off or on, or floorboards settling, or just the wind. A few times I'd thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, like when I saw a pair of eyes looking through the living room window at me, shadows out the corner of my eyes, things moving outside... I had a ritual, once the boys went to bed, to close every door and pull the window blinds down completely, and have all the lights on in the room that I was in. It never really helped, but I felt better that whatever was in the house or outside the window couldn't see me and I couldn't see it, if it had nowhere to hide.

I know I was glad when they moved and I didn't have to be in that house any more, but I never really made a fuss about anything that happened there. I never really told anyone. Like I said already, I was sure it was just my overactive imagination.

My cousin's stories were quite different. She reported, long before the younger boy was born, strange things happening. The TV would turn on and off by itself, for example. The story that really had me shivering in my seat today was of when Brian, the youngest, was about two months old, and Charlie was three years. My cousin had a few friends over after the boys were asleep, and they were talking away and watching TV when they heard three
* very loud bangs from upstairs. And Brian started to cry.

My cousin and her friends went to check on the baby. What they saw freaked them out so much that her friends ran screaming from the house.

When she had put the baby to sleep in his cot, she tucked his blanket in cosy around him, lying down, head at the top of the cot, as most people would do. When she found him he was completely turned round, head where his feet had been, and he was tucked in perfectly. Like someone had just turned him around, blanket and all.

I know you probably don't believe in ghosts or poltergeists, but you have to admit, it's terribly strange...

I'm not going to sleep right tonight.

*For those who have never heard of the superstition before, it is said that if you hear three loud bangs, someone you know is going to die. A little bit like hearing a banshee.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

046 - IKEA!!!

We're going to IKEA!
We're going to IKEA!
We're going to IKEA!


I love IKEA!

I want to get a desk, so that I can be comfortable when I write. Right now I have a lap table/tray type thing which is great for being in bed, but when you want to sit down for a few hours and just write, it can be a pain in the ass. So I need a new desk. I also need a proper chair, but I won't be able to afford that for a while. I have one of those fold up chairs though, so I'll make do for now.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

045 - Life's Lessons

I've learned that life doesn't need to be flamboyant or extravagant to be exciting and enjoyable. Adventure comes in all shapes and sizes, most of them legal. If you're having a boring day, or a dull week, do something different, something small that you haven't done before. So try some food you haven't before, or do something different with your hair or clothes, or wear a dress if you haven't in a long time, or jump in a puddle, or buy something small for someone else. It'll make you smile.

Today, I tasted papaya fir the first time ever. It was a mostly insignificant thing to do, but it was new and different. Fruit Roulette might become a regular thing!

-Edit: 21/4/10 - I made this chart...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

044 - Spring Cleaning

For the first time since I moved in, the house is clean. Well, relatively clean compared to what it usually is. Two of the three roomies decided to clean! Imagine my surprise. So, 'O' (in case someone knows them by some chance, because that's usually what happens when I name and shame people... someone else knows them and word gets back) cleaned the bathroom and living room, 'D' cleaned the kitchen, and I was assigned the landing, hall and stairs. I ended up cleaning all the floors anyway because 'D' is a seriously messy, dirty person. Seriously. It's like he oozes grime and dirt. Blech. Oh, and 'M', the third roomie, offered to tackle the garden, since his parents are coming over from the Ukraine next week.

I bet you a euro he doesn't do anything.

Monday, April 12, 2010

043 - Right Under My Nose

I was waiting for the bus last night on Dame Street, which it a street right in the heart of the city centre, when it hit me. I live in Dublin.

Those of you who know me the longest will know of how significant that is to me. For those of you who don't know me that well or for very long, let me explain a little.

I lived here a few years ago for about a year and a half. It was meant to be my escape from my family home, but it did nothing but rope me into more pressure and seclusion. I wasn't myself. Yet I loved the city. Ireland's capital. A city that most people I talk to have always wanted to visit. Unless they love here already in which case it's not all that glamorous.

When I moved to England I just wanted to come back here, and finally I have. Actually, I did it nine weeks ago, and I'm surprised it's taken me this long to realise it.

I'm back. Back in the small, weirdo city I've always been drawn to, for some unspoken reason.

I was waiting for the bus to take me home, standing by a granite pillar, watching tourists and students walk past, waiting for the ones that always stumble on the broken paving in the middle of the footpath. I took a breath of the mild city air and lifted my eyes off the pavement. I could see Trinity College, where walking left would carry you to O'Connell Street and right would be Grafton Street. Even the non-locals have heard of those two places. On a map I could draw a very short line from where I was standing - from that broken paving - to Dublin Castle, Dublin City Hall, the Chester Beatty Library, Temple Bar...

As I stood there, Dublin changed for me. It was no longer my escape from home. Dublin is home. Complete with all the warmth, comfort and friends that give you a fuzzy feeling inside. And, perhaps, that one special someone.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

042 - I'm Irish, Too!

Yes, I'm ranting about it again.

'It' being how so many people, namely Americans, boast about being Irish (or Scottish, or German, or whatever else) when their only claim to it is that their great-great-great-great-grandparent was born here.

I've heard the the reasoning that America is such a young country that people go back through generations to find culture and history to live off. I understand that, but at the same time I really don't. At what point do Americans start calling themselves American? How old does a country have to be before people born and raised (and probably have never left) there claim to be of that country's nationality?

You. Are. Not. Irish. Stop pretending to be. Your ancestors my have been Irish, but you are American. K?

Now, I know most of the people reading this are wondering why I'm ranting AGAIN about this. Well, I was watching Wife Swap US, and one of the families were 'Irish'. Shamrocks and clovers all over, (let me just point out that SHAMROCKS (three leaves) are the Irish national plant... CLOVER (four leaves) is not, and they are very different things), framed 'limericks' and 'blessings' (they were the typical gimmicky poems, not one of them a limerick), Irish dancing, music and songs, and... and this is what made the whole thing spark off again... a sign that said 'Fáilte' over one of the doors, which was described by the mother as, "This is an Irish greeting. It's pronounced fayult. It means welcome."

NO!!!! DAMN IT! This is how we KNOW you're not Irish! It does mean welcome, but it's pronounced FALL-CHA! FAAAAALLLLLLLLL-CCHHHHAAAAA!

Fricking fayult. *twitch*

The next American who claims to be Irish and can't even pronounce fáilte, I will stab them. Dead.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

041 - Life Without Harry

I know, I'm a dork, but I've seen a Harry Potter movie on terrestrial TV at least once a week since Christmas, and even I'm getting a little bit tired of it. So it made me wonder what my life would be like if Harry never existed - if Rowling never got published.

I'd never have found some of my best friends, that's for sure. Megan and Cody, most importantly, and a handful of others I hold with high regard. I'd never have developed a passion for writing, either, because if it wasn't for the world of HP I would never have started writing at all. I'd probably not be reading as many books as I do, because it was Harry that got me back into reading in my early teens after ditching books when I outgrew The Babysitters Club and Goosebumps. If I hadn't read the Harry Potter books through secondary school it would have been a very dark place for me. They were my escape from a world where I was teased and laughed at often.

These are just the basic effects the books had on my own life. I know I'm not alone when I say that I would be in a different place right now if it wasn't for them. At best, I'd be a reclusive, socially awkward girl. At worst, well, lets not think about that.

People might laugh when I talk about how much Harry means to me, but I'm writing this on behalf of everyone else that literally grew up with Harry.

Seven books that spanned ten years. I was eleven when the first one was published, and twenty-one when the last was released. If you're old enough, think about your years between eleven and twenty-one, and tell me if you had one thing that always pulled you from your dark days, one thing that always cheered you up. One thing that was always stable, always constant and comforting for ten whole years; probably the worst ten solid years any person will go through when it comes to hormones, life changes and peers.

Imagine one singular thing that could do all that for so long. And then it ends.

When die hard Harry Potter fans - the ones that followed each book as it was released, not the ones that jumped on the bandwagon years later - say that when they finished the last book it felt like their best friend died, that's exactly how it felt. If you feel like laughing at that then go ahead, but you only laugh because you don't understand it. And I feel sorry for you, that you didn't get to feel so much for something as simple as a series of books.

So many hearts sank into mourning when people finished that last book. If nothing else, it's an amazing feat from one Joanne Rowling, right?

Friday, April 9, 2010

040 - Television Vision

Yesterday I watched the last few aired episodes of Dollhouse. Today I watched the season finale of Being Human. As well as leaving me wishing I had more to watch of both it made me wonder if it's possible to tell what kind of a person someone is by what TV they watch. You know, like the way sporty people watch sports, and idiots watch reality TV.

I thought I'd give you guys a list of all the shows I've watched to fandom and see what you think.

I've watched EVERY episode of:
Dollhouse (two seasons in total)
Being Human (two seasons so far)
Supernatural (nearly five seasons so far)
Glee (one season so far)
Skins (four seasons so far)
Firefly (one season :( )
The 4400 (four seasons in total)
The Big Bang Theory (nearly three seasons so far)
The O.C. (four seasons in total)
True Blood (two seasons so far)

I lost interest in:
One Tree Hill (in it's seventh season... oy)
Chuck (in it's third season)

I'm catching up with:
Heroes (watched season one)
Battlestar Galactica (watched seasons one to three but need to rewatch)
Flash Forward (need to rewatch them)

Eli Stone
30 Rock
Cougar Town
Warehouse 13

I want to start watching:
How I Met Your Mother
Doctor Who (the new one, and I want to watch all of the previous generation too)
Lost (maybe...)

I also love watching dorky ghost shows, like Ghost Hunters and Most Haunted. Sshh, guilty pleasure.

I know I'm forgetting some...... tell me what I'm forgetting?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

039 - Grrrrrrrrrr....

Today's blog was brought to you by a SCREAMING HISSY FIT BECAUSE I HAD A HUGE ESSAY WRITTEN OUT AND STUPID BLOGGER GLITCHED. And now I'm just annoyed. And Blogger can shove my 365 project up it's arse.

-Edit: 09/04/10 (day 040)- I would like to apologise on behalf of my PMS for this outburst.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

037 - Marriage

It's not something I've ever really thought about, so I thought I'd give it a go. Thinking about it, I mean. Not actually getting married. I've heard people talking and I've seen a few TV talk shows about it in recent days, so I figured I'd get it over with. Talking. Not marriage.

Right, anyway...

My mum has always said "Never get married!" but every time she's said it she has been really drunk and very angry with my dad. Until last week, when she was sober and said it. She said it because a family friend, who had been with her boyfriend for near enough ten years, suddenly decided they were going to tie the knot, and Mum really couldn't understand why.

I am - and for the foreseeable future will be - undecided about the whole thing.

Things I DON'T like about marriage:
The cost, stress and pressure of the whole wedding day.
The cost, stress and pressure of a divorce, should it head that way.
The fact that it's a binding contract, and the idea that 'love' needs a binding contract.
The feeling, once married, that because you're married you shouldn't leave the relationship if you're unhappy.

Things I DO like about marriage:
The warm fuzzy feeling.
The sentimentality of the ring(s) and taking your partner's name.
Black and white written proof that you're a family.
A big party-day to celebrate love with everyone important to you.

Am I missing anything?

After making those lists I've realised something. People can technically have all the good things without actually committing to the bad things. Spend the rest of your life with someone without getting legally bound. Have the warm fuzzy feeling, buy a gorgeous ring for her/him (rather than a standard gold band that everyone has - they're sooooo 90's), have a giant party without the expensive wedding cake and 5 course meals for a hundred people. Hell, have a party every year. Make an anniversary of it. As for the written proof that you're a family.... well, I'm not sure it's really all that important now that I've gone through everything else. Being a family isn't about having it written down on paper, it's about loving someone and being happy with them, and if you're meant to spend the rest of your life with someone you will, regardless of how many pages of contract you've signed together.

Monday, April 5, 2010

036 - New Who

Three very good friends of mine told me I had to watch the new Doctor Who, and then to report back to them.

See, I've always had a soft spot for David Tennant in everything he's done, and for the most part it was all for him that I wanted to watch the last generation Doctor. So when people started talking about a new Doctor I was mildly curious but wasn't pushed to watch. Then I was ordered to by other sceptics. I could hardly say no, could I?

And I'm glad I didn't. Say no, that is. I mean, I watched it!

I was hoping he would be cute, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one hoping he was going to be at least attractive. He isn't. Not by a long shot. Here's the thing though - I like him anyway. (Shallow? Nay!) He's not too far removed from D.T.'s version of the Doctor that it bored me, but he wasn't a direct copy of him either, which is what I was afraid of. Naturally, he has to grow into the part and everyone has to get used to him, but I think he's going to be great! And I actually want to keep watching.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

035 - Easter Eggs

I was sitting on the bus with my sister when we realised neither of us recieved any Easter eggs. Just so you know, she's twenty years old, and I'm older. It was looking to be the first Easter ever that we hadn't been given any eggs. Well, on the bus we decided we'd give each other eggs in spirit.

The one I gave her was amazing. Really huge, with white chocolate eyes, a hat (It looks like Humpty Dumpty), and long marshmallows for arms. The one she game me, well, she broke it. Sigh.

ANYWAY, come the evening, my very lovely Better Half [probably had enough of me whining like a child] had bought me THREE EGGS! Little ones, who with little toys inside (yay!) and a creme egg that had frozen solid in the freezer. Mmmmm. And a not-so-egg-like box of Ferrero Rocher to spoil me more than I really deserve. Yay again!

I had my chocolate, and half of it was egg shaped. And it makes me laugh because I can't decide if the whole thing is more child-like or less, than a regular Easter egg gift. Ferrero Rocher (very adult) and Kinder egg (meant for kids, supposedly...)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

034 - Profile View

Have you ever looked in the mirror and spotted something new, something different, that you really really hate? You know, something that you never noticed before, perhaps, or something that just never bothered you before.

I looked in the mirror and now I hate my nose.

I've never really been bothered by it before, but it really is a hideous lump in the middle of my face. I was once told I had my father's nose. Well, my father's nose was broken when he was a child and since then has sat crooked. Gee, thanks. But no, my nose is at least vertical. It is, however, a bit too big, and has a horrible bump. When I say bump I mean a mountain. Gah.

Maybe if I break it I'll have to get it fixed up all nice. It's been known to happen to other people!

I'm joking, really.

Friday, April 2, 2010

033 - A Dose Of Anagrams

Anagrams of words I can see from where I'm sitting? Why not? IOU one truth or (sensible/legal) dare to whoever gets them all...






Thursday, April 1, 2010

032 - One Twelfth

One month down of this 365 project. 'Project'... if you could call it that.

So far, so good. I know some of my entries are random and dull, and some are more intellectually stimulating or even stirring. That's good though, right? Being bombarded with some heavy and meaningful topic every single day could be difficult to digest. Or, at least, it would be difficult for me to come up with something stimulating every day. Anyway, variety is the spice of life, right? Right? Eh?


So, I'm a month down and it flew past. Yes I missed a few days but I did make them up pretty fast, one way or another. I did give up on showing you guys a quote or video every day. Did you notice? If you didn't then just move along, pretend it doesn't make a difference. I beg you to imagine my victory-punching the air with a quiet "yessssss, suckersssss." Ok, maybe not 'suckers', but if you really don't miss them I don't feel so bad about ditching them. They were proving to be really tricky to come up with, relating to the topic of the day, never mind actually coming up with a topic of the day! Don't worry though, you'll get a few little bits and pieces now and again anyway. Just not every day.

Oh, one more thing...


PS. I didn't get pranked today. Woo! Probably because I didn't see anyone... Not so woo...