Thursday, April 22, 2010

053 - Starfruit

Yes, we've been playing Fruit Roulette again. This week's choice was a starfruit.

I don't like star fruit.

Ok, so it looks awesome, and when you slice it across the middle it's really pretty (white flesh surrounded by thin green skin), but it doesn't taste good!

The shop said it tasted like papaya and orange and grapefruit, all in one. Well, it doesn't. Firstly, you can eat the skin, which is like really fine rubber. The fleshy part has a texture of under-ripe melon, with a strange lumpiness that reminded me a little of citrus fruit, but not as juicy. It's quite hard too, and it tastes like bitter grass. It just smells like a plant... like 'green', you know?

Not enjoyable at all, but at least we now know what star fruit tastes like.

Papaya still wins. Mmmm.


  1. hmm... pity, cuz they're so pretty!!!

    Have you had pomegranate before? LOVE.

  2. Maybe we should try pomegranates next, or kumquats or dragon fruit....

  3. Pomegranates are narrrsty. And make me hurl.

  4. I loves them (pomegranates).... they're yummmmmmmmmmm... Kumquats are ok too.
