Thursday, April 1, 2010

032 - One Twelfth

One month down of this 365 project. 'Project'... if you could call it that.

So far, so good. I know some of my entries are random and dull, and some are more intellectually stimulating or even stirring. That's good though, right? Being bombarded with some heavy and meaningful topic every single day could be difficult to digest. Or, at least, it would be difficult for me to come up with something stimulating every day. Anyway, variety is the spice of life, right? Right? Eh?


So, I'm a month down and it flew past. Yes I missed a few days but I did make them up pretty fast, one way or another. I did give up on showing you guys a quote or video every day. Did you notice? If you didn't then just move along, pretend it doesn't make a difference. I beg you to imagine my victory-punching the air with a quiet "yessssss, suckersssss." Ok, maybe not 'suckers', but if you really don't miss them I don't feel so bad about ditching them. They were proving to be really tricky to come up with, relating to the topic of the day, never mind actually coming up with a topic of the day! Don't worry though, you'll get a few little bits and pieces now and again anyway. Just not every day.

Oh, one more thing...


PS. I didn't get pranked today. Woo! Probably because I didn't see anyone... Not so woo...

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