Wednesday, April 21, 2010

052 - FREE Books?!

My Weight Watchers class is held in the Dublin Central Mission Hall, which I had never heard of until I went there. In the Central Mission Hall (aside from the usual church-y and community type things) they sell second hand books for €1 each. If that wasn't good enough, I found a box of FREE books!!! I stole two. And I felt guilty about it, kinda, but the woman at reception wouldn't take any money for them. So I might have to buy more books.

One book I picked up was Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs. It's one of those wolf pack, hippy kinda fantasy novels. Not my usual type but I've always wondered what the hype was about.

The second book was Mister Monday by Garth Nix. My sister owns the entire series (seven books) already, but I didn't want to borrow another book of her, seeing as I still have one she let me borrow over a year ago. I figured if I like Mister Monday, whenever I get round to reading it, I'll easily eat my way through the other ones, so I wouldn't be holding onto them forever.

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