Wednesday, April 28, 2010

059 - But It Doesn't Hurt!

This blogging thing is becoming second nature at this stage. I'm surprised, because I thought it would have become a chore after a week or two. I admit, the first while was a little difficult but now it's more like diary or a more personal version of a social networking site. It's like having your own little house that you can invite people into whenever you want, and it just so happens that I want to invite them in every day.

On that note I want to say hi to my only stalker - I mean 'follower' - that I don't actually know. Hi Kevin! Welcome! Pull up a chair and grab some popcorn. And try not to fall asleep.

It's almost 1pm, which means I have to leave quite soon to catch a bus to catch another bus that will take me up to my parents' home. Why am I doing this mid-week instead of the usual weekend trip? Sigh.

I have to go to the dentist.

There. I said it. Now hopefully I won't panic so much every time I think of it.


Nope, that didn't work.

I broke one of my back teeth over a week ago. Now, it doesn't hurt and doesn't bother me at all, but people keep telling me I have to get it seen to, ignoring my panic-stricken face at the mention of a dentist. My mother actually made the appointment for me, and has offered to pay for it too (for those not familiar with Ireland health systems, basically it's half the price to go across the border into Northern Ireland for dental work than it is to get it done down here... which is why I'm going to my parents). My dad has actually taken the day off work and is driving me to the clinic himself. I swear I'm not that bad when it comes to the dentist, but it does say something when a 24 year old needs her dad to walk her to the door. Or, more importantly, her dad does it without asking.

My appointment is on Thursday - tomorrow.... ohgodI'mgoingtodie - which means I'll be up there from later today until Friday. So, no blog tomorrow. Well, no live one. I'll end up writing one and scheduling it for tomorrow instead. Hmm... Oh! Puzzle time! It's been a while.

Random, barely important updates?
I'm currently watching Ghost Hunters season 3 and Warehouse 13 season 1 (season 2 isn't out yet).
Listening to a CD I bought from a pair of guys busking on Henry Street a while ago. They're really good. Ryan Sheridan and Arthur Graczyk. Check out Or you can watch the video up above, but it's not his best song, in my opinion. Check the myspace page though. You won't be disappointed. I don't think.
I've been nomming on Special K Mini Breaks. They're really really good. Like cookies without the fat.
I've been trying to donate blood for the last few weeks, and yet again my plans have been foiled by you pesky kids!!! Or, rather, my dentist appointment.
I lost another 2lbs!
My horrible room mate is moving out. Yessss!
Oh, and I'm dying my hair blue.

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