Saturday, July 31, 2010

153 - Twilight (Lush Review)

Lush have become quite creative and adventurous with their ballistics - thats bath bombs for the Lush-uneducated - where they've released four new ones. Two I like, and two I don't. The first one that I like (obviously) is called Twilight.

OK, roll your eyes and get it over with.

It smells very, very nice. "Lavender and Ovaltine", the website says, and I'm not too sure if that's what it smells like but it's very nice indeed. It's subtly sweet and relaxing. Idea for just before bed. It also makes skin very soft, which is always a good thing.

Where the magic happens with Twilight (and likewise with their other new ballistics) is when you drop it into the bath. Twilight turns the water pink first, and the bright blue before the two mix and make purple. It's very very pretty and a lot more exciting than the monotone you usually get with ballistics. Watch the video below to see what I mean.

Friday, July 30, 2010

152 - Soggy Situation

I was carrying a bottle of water in my bag. It was sealed and everything. But it exploded and poured half a litre of water into my leather bag, and my ipod, phone and the book I was reading went for a swim.

The worst part was that just an hour before I did something I never do. I bought a new xbox game at full price, because I had the money spare and thought I'd not need to buy anything major any time soon. Murphy's Law.

I was afraid to look in my bag until I got home, and then I tested everything to suss out the damage.

The only thing that stopped working were my earphones. How lucky was that? I guess I should be pissed off that they were SkullCandy ones and the best ever... but I sorta didn't care when everything else was fine. So I got new headphones. These ones are called Dots. They're tiny!

See, I've always had small ears and could most inner ear phones would hurt. Then there were those ones with rubbery mushroom shaped caps that were really flexible that they sold with three different sizes. The smallest ones were just about perfect for my ears. Then I got my tragus pierced and the smallest ones were verging on too big. I didn't have much choice though. I couldn't wear over-ear headphones because of other various piercings, either.

Dots are the best invention ever. Dots have the same sized rubbery bits as other earphones but the main body of the earphone is about half the size of regular ones. Yep, even SMALLER! They're perfect for my ears! The picture on the right show them with the smallest sized rubbery bud things.

So the moral of the story is, if you dun goof'd there's always something small to make things better.

OK, that's a crap moral of the story, but I'm so happy with my dots! THEY'RE PURPLE!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

151 - Toy Story 3 (Review)

Oh. My. God.

Most depressing and tear-inducing kids movie I have ever seen. It is so, so sad! I even made my sister cry telling her about it. Every adult in the cinema was crying by the end too.

It may not have the same effect on someone who wasn't a fan of the Toy Story movies of 1995 and 1999, but I could say that it would still be enjoyable and bring a tear to the eyes. Oh, and you should also know that anyone that said they didn't cry is lying. Everyone I know that went to see it eventually admitted to crying like a slapped child.

Yeesh, I was just ten when the first one came out. That's almost as bad as Harry Potter!

Anyway, everyone has to see this movie, regardless of how old you are, especially if you watched the first two all those years ago. It will break your heart and it will make you pee with laughter, too. I want to go again.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

150 - Resident Evil 5 (Game Review)

I have had Res Evil 5 sitting on my shelf for several months. I bought it on recommendation of a friend of an ex, I think, who said that the online co-op was brilliant and that said ex and I should play it. So I bought it, and shortly afterwards dumped said ex. Oops.

Anyway, I tried playing it by myself and didn't get very far. I am really bad at those types of shooter games and lose patience and interest quickly if it doesn't go my way. That's exactly what happened. So I shelved it.

A few weeks ago my boyfriend (the current one that I have no intention of dumping thankyouverymuch) said he played it through in co-op with one of his friends, and said that it was good that way and I should give it a go. He offered to play it through with me, and then it was forgotten about.

And then today (or, the date on this blog rather than the day I'm writing it. sshhh) my awesome friend from across the water - we'll call him ... uhm.... I was going to call him Bobby, but on the off chance he hates being called Bobby I'll call him The Chris To My Sheva. Chris for short... - Chris offered to play it through, because we had nothing else to play together and his copy was sitting idle for months too.

Lets just say that RE5 is very different in co-op as it is in single mode. It's so much better when there's two people. Granted, I still suck (a moment of "Give me your grenades....... the other grenades" comes to mind, or even 'Chris' screaming down the headset "DID YOU JUST PRESS THAT BUTTON?!?! DID YOU PRESS THAT BUTTON?!?!?!? I saw it and and thought nooooo, I'm not pressing that button!" and my answer of "you mean the big red button?" ), but luckily my awesome Chris is awesome and doesn't mind too much. Or at least pretends not to mind.

Of six chapters we completed four the first day, and one the next, so we only have one left to do. It's been a great laugh... for me at least... and I would recommend anyone looking to play the now-aged game of Resident Evil 5 go have a go at it with a friend. It's like the LEGO games; much better played with a friend.

So I just want to thank my Chris for letting me be his Sheva. :)

That wasn't much of a review, was it?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

149 - Quotes of the Week

"I'm female. We're genetically engineered to suck.... Wait..."
Talking about how terrible I am at certain video games.

"Do ya wanna buy a banjo?"
A guy walking past a music shop asked his friend. I believe he was being sincere.

I would also like to show all ye long-time HP fans. It was uploaded just before the release of the last book. Most of you will be familiar with the topic... <3

Monday, July 26, 2010

148 - Better Than Then

More and more people are using 'then' and 'than' the wrong way around. Now, keep in mind that English was my worst subject in school, when I say YOU PEOPLE ANNOY ME!

So watch this video...


Sunday, July 25, 2010

147 - Remember Me (Review)

I don't like Robert Pattinson. For that reason I didn't see this movie when it was out in the cinema, despite it appealing to my girl-hormones with it's promise of being a really good love story.

It was released on DVD this week and I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised.

I can't tell you much about the story of it because it will spoil it, and I would recommend not going into reviews elsewhere in case they ruin the ending, because it would be very easy to do. If you haven't seen it and don't know what it's about, just watch it. Don't read up on it. Just watch it. Oh, and have a packet of tissues with you too. It's a heart-breaker.

What I can tell you is that it's about a guy called Tyler... or Taylor... or... we'll call him Tyler. He's a troubled fellow after losing someone close to him. He ends up getting arrested early in the movie and to get back at the police dude he decides to woo his daughter. And then he falls for her. I know it sounds like a dozen other things out there, and it seems very predictable, but the characters in this movie are so multi-dimensional that it really does stand out by itself.

It is very heartbreaking and - if you haven't read other reviews or developed an annoying ability to predict movie plot lines - it could be shocking too. My jaw hit the floor before I started wailing.

OK, so maybe not wailing, but there was a stack of use tissues beside me when the credits started to roll.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

146 - Caca Rouge (Lush Review)

I think this might be a review in two installments. One now and one in a few weeks time after the hair has settled or whatever it is it might be doing.

Lush's 'Caca' range is simply henna hair colouring.

I know what you're thinking. Anyone who has heard of henna has heard the horror stories. Hair falling out or burning, disintegrating or turning green. And yes, that does happen, if you use the wrong kind of henna.

Yes, I've done my research.

The wrong kind of henna would be any henna that comes in bottles, packaged up with such things as a bottle of developer, or anything to mix with it, like regular hair dyes do. Those 'henna' dyes rarely even contain henna in the slightest amount. 'Henna' with added metallic compounds are the ones that do the most damage. If you're going to try henna make sure you know whats in it. For example, added silver compounds turns hair (especially already dyed hair) green, while added copper compound will actually dissolve your hair and burn your scalp. Not an attractive look. So DO NOT BUY HENNA WITHOUT CHECKING THE INGREDIENTS FIRST.

There are two safe ways of using henna, as far as I am sure of. You can buy tattoo-quality powdered henna, which is purely the henna plant all ground up. You have to add your own oils,etc, to make it work properly. Anyone that will sell this top notch henna will give you full instructions on what to do and how to do it. You're more likely to find such people on the internet, but do be very careful and check what they are selling. Remember you want the powder stuff, not bottles of developer.

Or if you want an easy, simple, cost effective way to do it, go to Lush. They sell their henna already mixed with essential oils and butter, compounded into a dry-but-slightly-oily brick. It looks like a giant chocolate bar, but really doesn't smell like one. They come in four shades...

Actually, that reminds me, henna ONLY comes in red and variations of red. If you see anything claiming to be henna that is blonde or blue or crazy non-red/brown then DON'T GET IT. It's one of those metallic compound ones. In fact, even black henna isn't 100% henna... but black henna is safe... allow me to continue...

Where was I? Oh, yes, four shades. Caca Brun is the mellow, subtle brown one. Caca Maron is like a chestnutty, mahogany, dark reddish brown. Caca Rouge is the red one, which they actually tell people to only get if they want their hair RED! And Caca Noir is henna and indigo (another plant) which can make your hair black with either purple/blue hints or red hints, depending on whether you let it dry or keep it wet and warm during the development time.

You should also know that Henna doesn't work like ordinary dyes. It stains the hair and the end result will be relative to your natural or previous colour. For example, Caca Rouge on dark brown hair will make it deep chocolate brown with reddish highlights in the sun. Caca Rouge on blonde or grey hair will turn it vibrant ginger. This works really great it you have a few stray strands of grey hair of old highlights on dark hair, as these will turn gingery red while the rest will go brown. I will, however, warn people with blonde or grey roots that it WILL turn your roots ginger, and leave the rest of your hair dark. It will look silly. So go for Caca Marun or Brun or Noir instead.

Henna colour is permanent.
Once you put the slop on your hair it takes AT LEAST one hour to develop, but they recommend 4 hours 'officially', but the majority of Lush Henna people will say to leave it on longer, or even overnight. Why? Well, because it's like a mud mask for your hair as well as a hair dye! It leaves your hair thicker, softer, less likely to tangle, easier to manage... it's really amazing stuff, so why wouldn't you leave it on for as long as possible? It's GOOD for your hair!

I will say that it is very messy and very tedious to prepare it. You will need help (thank you again, Laura) if your hair is longer than a few inches.

It is definitely worth it, though.

As with everything, if you are going to henna your hair, get instructions (provided by lovely Lush staff) and stick to them. Trust me.

Friday, July 23, 2010

145 - Oh, New Things!

I don't know when they introduced the new features on blogger but there they are!

The new share buttons across the bottom of each entry makes my life easier.

And now you who read these and never comment can at least click on the little boxes if you like what I write! I noticed that it's but these boxes on every entry in the past too, but I'd recommend not going through them unless you really liked a particular one. Hah. Like you need to be told not to.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

144 - Bedtime Stories

I've been having trouble sleeping and didn't want to resort back to taking pills to knock me out for 8 hours at a time. So I tried a new approach. I found Harry Potter audiobooks as read my Stephen Fry.

They really work!

Imagine lying in bed, sleepy like, and being read your favourite book by a dude that has one of the most awesome voices ever. All right, so unless you're already a fan of Mr Fry it probably won't have the same effect, but anyone that thinks the man is a legend, give it a go. There are other versions out there, read by some other English bloke and an American one too. It really is whichever takes your fancy.

I mean, there has to be a reason we were read to as kids to put us to sleep, right? So logically it would work as adults. And I'm saying now that it really does.

I have no idea what I'm going to do when I run out though...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

143 - Henna

I thought I'd be daring and try a Lush henna hair dye, which I'll review tomorrow maybe. I just wanted to let you guys know about the timescale. Today is Henna Day. It needs a whole day. All times are approximates.

Begin preperation of henna to be used, including just 2/3 of henna block needing to be grated up (it took 30 mins) and mixing it with boiled water before bringing it back to heat over a pot of boiling water.

Beginning application of whole head of henna.

Application complete.


Begin removal of henna and shampooing four times.

Hair finally clean!

Still not dry, but looking rather ginger-fade-to-brown. Interesting result. Not what expected. Will update tomorrow as henna can continue to develope for 24 hours after. I wouldn't mind if it stayed this way. I'm thinking I need a hair cut though. Maybe.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

142 - Table Quiz!

Oh I am such a party animal. In fact, my whole family is so collectively exciting that firstly we went to donate blood yesterday evening, and then went to a table quiz in the local pub.

You're know you're jealous.

We came first in the quiz. It might sound obnoxious, but we usually come first or second any time a quiz night is hosted locally. I honestly think it was just pot luck at the very beginning. See, our ream usually consists of my sister and I, plus our dad and a family friend called Michael. It wasn't planned like this, but this is how it happened and we roll with the success. We all have our share of general knowledge but Michael is very knowledgeable in areas such as geography, history, Irish history and lore, and pop culture from about the 70's and earlier. Dad is good with sports, things from the 70's and 80's, some TV shows, regulations and some laws. My sister and I have the kids genre, movies, and visual and word puzzles down to a fine art. There aren't many usual pub quiz topics that come up that at least one of us has an educated clue of.

Most other teams have a bunch of people that know a lot about the same subject but not much about others. As in, they're all one type of person, while we're all very different. It works! It's like University Challenge; build your team wisely to cover most subjects and you're likely to prevail.

And yes, there have been Harry Potter questions in the past. And we have nailed them. Naturally.

Actually, I remember when one Harry Potter question came up and an old school friend of mine came to me and asked what the answer was.

Monday, July 19, 2010

141 - Inception (Review)

If you want to see a movie to get your brain working, go see Inception. You will not be disappointed. It is one of the best movies I have ever seen, and I have high standards. I'm even doing this at the risk of raising some people's hopes TOO high and therefore possibly ruining it for them. Unfortunately.... I DON'T CARE! IT'S AMAZING! GO SEE IT!

You really don't need to know much about it going in. The story is that there's this guy (DiCaprio) that can go inside peoples' dreams and extract information from their mind by trickery, delving into their subconscious, etc. Certain events happen and he's faced with having to plant an idea in someones mind rather than extracting it; a feat which we are told is near impossible. But, of course, we wouldn't have a movie if he refused to do it, would we? The movie follows the complicated and exciting (and dangerous) process of planting a specific idea's inception (hence the name) into one man's mind so that he believes the idea is actually his.

It's a simple concept but you really do need to have a thinking mind and a fair amount of awareness going into this one. I wouldn't advise going to see it to relax after a hard day at work. Your brain might break and you might cry. No, save this one for your day off, or an evening when you have too much energy to burn and can convert it into brain power. If you understand it, it is a fantastic film. If you can't/don't you'll sit there sighing and tutting and complaining the whole way through, like the woman that sat next to me in the cinema.

You'll love it if you...
Love: science, imagination, suspense, thinking, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (the little guy from 10 Things who is now all growed up!), nerds, sci-fi.
Hate: mindless movies like Dude, Where's My Car and Scary Movie.

You'll hate it if you...
Love: such things as Paris Hilton, fake tans and believe education isn't important.
Hate: using your brain or find it difficult to eat popcorn and absorb information at the same time.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

140 - Bulging?!

There's a new show on over here called Bulging Brides. The new thing from the States. They find women who have an upcoming wedding and need to lose some weight. I watched one episode.

It's disgusting.

The woman had a body to be envious of. A size TEN for crying out loud. And they told her she needed to shape up and lose a few inches to make her dress look right. So for six weeks they put her on a diet and a training regime and she lost something like 3 inches off her waist and one off her chest and hips.

I felt like throwing my TV out the window. And I don't mean in a hardcore rocker kind of way.

The girl was just over 150lbs and 5'6 tall. That's NORMAL. That's HEALTHY. And they told her she was chunky and she lost THREE FRICKIN INCHES! I'm all for losing weight to feel or look better but seriously? And they wonder why people have eating disorders!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

139 - The Mist (Review)

Still running with my horror movie thing, I watched one this week. Yes, just one. the Mist.

Here's the dealie... if I had seen it from start to finish as was intended I would have found it amazing. Absolutely, without a doubt, despite the somewhat terrible CGI creatures.

However, many months ago I watched the last ten minutes or so without realising what I was watching or really registering who the actors were. So when I started watching The Mist from the start it didn't trigger any memory of having watched the final scenes. Not until the movie reached the final scenes and everything became very, very familiar. It would have been an excellent ending if I hadn't been able to tell what was coming.

I would still recommend other people seeing it. It's pretty good. Stephen King. Can't really go wrong with a Stephen King.

Friday, July 16, 2010

138 - Aahh!

Happy Birthday
to my Dad!!!

Yes, his and my sister's birthdays really are that close together.

Yes, it is annoying.

No, he probably wont see this at all, but it's worth the effort.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

137 - More Anagrams!

For these ones, the clue is in the anagram... Some might be names! Some are just random phrases.

For example: "The eyes." = "They see."

I'll make a wise phrase. [person]

He'll mesh crooks. [person]

Moon starer. [profession]

Old west action. [person]

Death; it starts in ice. [event]

Bad credit. [object]

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

136 - Holiday! Celebrate!

We're going to Croatia!

When I say 'we' I mean my parents, my sister and I.

When? August 18th, for a week.

Excited? Yes!

Apprehensive? Very.

After all, family holidays rarely run smoothly. Especially for my family.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

135 - Fresh Farmacy (Lush Review)

I've had a hard time with Lush facial washes in the past. I'm allergic to Angels On Bare Skin. I wanted to try something that wasn't going to give me a rash or turn my face to a grease machine. So I tried Fresh Farmacy. It's the peachy coloured solid soap they sell with the aim of reducing spots and redness of the face.

I don't really suffer from spots that often, so I can't really say if this works in that respect or not. I can't see why it wouldn't though, because this soap is very drying. It's super important to use a moisturiser afterwards, but that's the case with most spot- and redness-fighting cleansers out there.

It does leave the skin very very soft though, and very clean, so the temporary dryness is well worth it. It's inexpensive as it lasts a very long time. It smells slightly floral and calming.

To use, you lather it up like a regular soap and rub it over your face, scrubbing gently with your fingers before rinsing it off completely. Then use your moisturiser!

If you're not sure about whether this is the right product for you, ask for a sample in your local Lush. Most branches are more than happy to give your a little bit to see if it works for you. Go on, give it a go.

Monday, July 12, 2010

134 - Lowering The Standards

It's 4am and I can't sleep. My mind is too busy, so I thought I'd let it all out here. I'm guessing this will piss some people off but I don't mean it to. Anyone that reads this (all four of you) will hear it all sooner or later anyway, and I really need to get it off my chest now.

To cut a long story short, my boyfriend started telling me about a night out a long time ago that he referred to as "the best evening ever" because of all the "hot girls". I was fine with the part about partying with transvestites and crazy people with guns. I was even OK with the thought that a bunch of strippers - who happened to be colleagues of his friend's wife - got their tits out to show off their boob jobs.

My curiosity plummeted when his "best evening ever" ended with him getting laid with one of the sluts. I mean, strippers. Wait, what's the difference? Oh, right, one gets paid.

I know every person above the age of, say, 25 has been with a bunch of people in their lives, of course. That's not the issue. We've talked about exes before, extensively, without a hint of resentment.

Let me just add in here that the last few days my confidence and self esteem has been floating somewhere around my ankles.

Now, I know he didn't mean any harm by it and even said he wished he hadn't mentioned it at all (right before he fell asleep... lucky for some) but that doesn't make it easier on my mind. My mind has still drawn a spider diagram in a notebook, with the words "stripper", "laid", "hot girls", my boyfriend's name and the quoted "best evening ever" all circled and joined to each other, and if you turn over the page there I am, connected up with "fat", "inexperienced" and "sorry excuse for a female".

My self-esteem is now ground into the carpet.

I'm taking bets on how long it will be before I can look in the mirror and like or even accept what I see. This morning the running average was two weeks. Now, I'm not so sure.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

133 - Saltimbanco!

For my sister's 21t birthday my parents wanted to do something special, so they bought her tickets to Cirque Du Soleil. She took me with her. Yay!

It was easily the most amazing show I have ever seen. It's funny, beautiful, has fantastic music and very talented performers. It was ten times better than I expected it to be, and I had expected it to be awesome.

I don't know how many times I've defended it now, saying it's not just a circus and not just for kids. It's a wonderful display of dance and powerful acrobatics, moving music and extremely appealing sets. I cannot fault it.

When it finished I didn't want to leave. I actually felt like crying a little, like a child who just finished the last ever episode of their favourite show.

I want to go again. Please?!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

132 - I Am Number Four (Book Review)

I Am Number Four was another proof copy Waterstones sent me to review before official publication.

I knew before I read it that filming had already started for the book-to-movie, and the movie itself was already predicted to be one of the biggest hits - or at least the one of the most anticipated - of 2011. With this in mind I had high expectations before the book even came through my letter box. And I wasn't disappointed.

When you read as much as I do you tend to pick up on subtle differences between types of authors. For example, female authors tend to weight their books heavily with character detail and emotion while male authors load their books with history and back-story and concrete information. I Am Number Four was written by two men, and my biggest (and only) complaint would be that I was left hungry for more character development to sink my teeth in to.

Otherwise the book is fantastic.

Nine adolescent aliens and their guardians inhabit the earth having fled their home planet before it was destroyed. They have been in hiding, but they are being hunted. Slowly but surely the last of their species are being killed. This story follows one of the aliens, Number Four, and his guardian as they try to make Paradise, Ohio, their new home. Four - also known as John Smith - enrols in the local high school, and things seem to go downhill from there.

The book is riveting, packed with drama, mystery and plenty of romance and emotion, too. I might go so far as to say it is 'Twilight' for the guys and anyone else looking for a fantasy series of teens, danger and romance without the cliché mould of 'vampire & human'. Yes, series, as this is book one of six, or so I hear.

Will I reread it? Yes.
Will I recommend it? Yes.
Will I buy the rest of the series? Definitely.
Am I afraid that the movie will spoil the series' potential before it has a chance to break through? Unfortunately, yes.

Read it while you can still make up your own mind!

Friday, July 9, 2010

131 - Watch Out!

I apologise for the pun. I couldn't help it.

I go through watches like worn out knickers. Not by choice, mind! I just tend to lose them or leave them behind when I'm away from home or simply just forget to put one on. Generally I prefer my wrists to be free of restraints (teehee...) which unfortunately includes watches that hug the skin. As such, I usually wear them loose, which means they usually get smashes up or scratched quite easily.

Ages ago my sister bought herself a locket type necklace which when opened showed a watch face. How perfect is that? No more asking what the time is, no more tight band around the wrist. The problem was then that I could never find anywhere that sold them. I resigned to having to make one, but when I went to but the watch face from a craft shop, they had none left. I was thoroughly disappointed.

This week I went shopping with my sister and her friend. Almost every shop we went in to had some sort of watch necklace! So yes, I bought two. One is like an old style, tarnished pocket watch on a necklace chain (pictured above). the other is a white metal owl which you have to squeeze it's ears to open the wings to show the clock face. Both are excellent.

I think I have found my new favourite thing.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

130 - Horror, Part 1

Slowly making our way through the list...

Event Horizon
Hellraiser (1987)
Jacob's Ladder
Ju-On (The original Japanese The Grudge)
Pet Sematary
Session 9
The Brood
The Fly
The Mist
The Mothman Prophecies
The Shining
The Thing
Event Horizon is a great movie. I remember watching it a long time ago and finding it very, very good. It's one you do need your thinking caps on for though. It's not jumpy but it is something of a psychological thriller. The Story: In 2047 Earth receives a signal from a starship and goes to investigate what happened. The answer? Weird and scary crap that will make you uncomfortable.

Hellraiser is surprisingly good. Both movie buddies agreed that even without using the excuse of "it was made in the 80's" it is a great, gory, scary movie. We were expecting something funny, like Exorcist, but were pleasantly surprised to find it more horror than the usual humour found with 80's "scary" movies. The Story: A man and wife move into a home that is possessed by the man's dead brother, who once-upon-a-time solved a puzzle that called forth demons/angels from hell to get him.

Session 9 was one I had never heard of. It's not jumpy, but it really does get into your mind - though probably not as much as Event Horizon might - and is well worth a watch. I'll be watching it again, I'm sure. The Story: A bunch of guys are hired to remove all the asbestos from an abandoned mental hospital. From the very beginning the project foreman hears a voice and starts getting a bit stressed...

The Fly... is crap. Come on. A guy gets 'merged' with the body of a fly. I watched this a long time ago and have no idea why I downloaded it this time round! If you want a giggle at silly 80's horror, then give it a shot. The Story: Uhm... fly + man = manfly?

Videodrome is just weird, and not scary or thrilling or at all engaging. It's awkward. The Story: The president of a TV station is shown a video broadcast of a show called Videodrome where people are beaten and murdered. He thinks it would be good viewing and wants to track it down to it's origin. As it turns out, the video has some sort of hypnotic virus thing that infects the president guy's brain and ultimately makes him insane via strange and awkward hallucinations. For example, the scene where the television wants him to whip 'her' all kinky like. Yes, he whips the TV, as the TV moans and groans like an excited lady...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

128 - Oh, The Horror!

My sister is staying for a week. The choice of genre of movies for the week is horror. These include:

Event Horizon
Hellraiser (1987)
Jacob's Ladder
Ju-On (The original Japanese The Grudge)
Pet Sematary
Session 9
The Brood
The Fly
The Mist
The Mothman Prophecies
The Shining
The Thing

Monday, July 5, 2010

127 - Fail Lush, Fail

Lush recently released a lot of new products; 9 to 5 (cleanser), Summer Pudding (soap), Tuca Tuca

They all suck.

Tuca Tuca smells like violets (like Parma Violets sweets) but has a very heavy, musty (yes, musty, not musky) overtone. It smells like your granny's attic if she sprayed it with cheap air freshener.

9 to 5 just smells like your average baby lotion. It doesn't really smell like anything. Whether or not it cleans well, I don't know. I probably wont be trying it out for a very long time.

Summer Pudding is not what I expected at all. It just simply does not smell nice. I was expecting fruity, creamy, something. Instead, it just smells. Yup.
(perfume and massage bar)...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

126 - Sakura (Lush Review)

Sakura is the Japanese word for cherry blossom. Are you surprised I've picked this up?

For those of you that don't know, cherry blossom is my favourite scent in the world. Plus, it's very pretty!

Lush make a bath ballistic called Sakura, too, and if you like it - and I don't know why you wouldn't - you should give this a try. I will say now that as with all of Lush's solid perfumes, Sakura smells differently on different people. This happens when the body's natural oils mix with the oils and butters in the perfume and subtly changes the fragrance. It should also be noted that a person's 'scent' can change over time, especially if the person moves to a different environment.

What I mean is, when I lived in London and my skin was assaulted with pollution and grime 24/7, Sakura smelled really bad on my skin. American Cream and Champagne Snow Showers were better behaved. Now that I'm living in a much kinder environment my skin behaves differently, and so Sakura smells very nice.

Now, if you're thinking you don't want to smell all floral like an old lady, then reread what I just said, and also keep in mind that Sakura doesn't just smell like cherry blossom. In the tin it smells quite musky and sensual, almost mysterious, if a smell can be called mysterious. It doesn't smell "like" anything else. It barely even reflects the scent of the bath ballistic. It's as thought Lush took three or four familiar, identifiable scents and put them all together and my some miracle they worked out.

Out of the pot it becomes more subtle and, while I can't tell you what it would smell like on your skin, I can tell you that when I'm wearing it I can't stop smelling myself. I'll make the excuse of scratching my head just so I can sniff my wrist.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

125 - Between The Cracks

At the risk of this blog turning into a constant "I'm just weird" ramble...

I made an observation today.

All my friends that don't drink are quite religious and/or American. All of my friends that do drink are more similar in my views and opinions. I don't drink and I'm not religious or American.

Therefore, to truly fit in with my friends, I have to get wasted and/or believe in God and/or move to America.

You know, I can't decide which of the three is most likely. I can say that being excluded from all three is surprisingly depressing.

Friday, July 2, 2010

124 - Boyfriend Cardigan

I just don't fit. I have no set genre or style I can be classified under when it comes to my usual apparel. Today I wore my black jeans, black suede boots, white 'vintage' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt, and a navy boyfriend cardigan. What the hell, guys? I look like I got lost in Oxfam!

Actually, while we're on the subject, why are they called boyfriend cardigans? They kind of look like cardigans I see some guys wear, and the guys that do wear them seem like the sort to have their own boyfriends rather than girlfriends. I would be worried if my boyfriend wore one of them.

Wait... did I just figure it out?



Stupid name aside, boyfriend cardigans are the best things ever, so if any GIRLS out there read this and have never worn them for fear of being a fashion monkey, swallow your misplaced pride and buy one. Or, do what I did and buy seven. I have two great ones (one regular length and one long), two black ones (same; regular and long), a long navy one, a regular length cobalt blue one, and a green and cream striped one that my actual boyfriend told me I shouldn't wear because it has horizontal stripes. Put me in my place.

Anyone that says they're too thin/light to wear, remember you can layer them. And they come with the added bonus of never having to struggle pulling a jumper or sweater over your head, elbowing the poor bugger sitting beside you and throwing your glasses half way across the room.

Don't deny it. We've all been there.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

123 - Pudding...?

On facebook, my boyfriend posted the kind of joke that you need a Bachelor of Science in Physics to understand (something about tec...ta... hang on, let me check.... 'tachyons'). I even googled what a tachyon is and I still don't get it.

Meanwhile, I posted this:

This might be one of those situations where if I don't laugh I cry. Well... they say opposites attract, I suppose.