Wednesday, July 28, 2010

150 - Resident Evil 5 (Game Review)

I have had Res Evil 5 sitting on my shelf for several months. I bought it on recommendation of a friend of an ex, I think, who said that the online co-op was brilliant and that said ex and I should play it. So I bought it, and shortly afterwards dumped said ex. Oops.

Anyway, I tried playing it by myself and didn't get very far. I am really bad at those types of shooter games and lose patience and interest quickly if it doesn't go my way. That's exactly what happened. So I shelved it.

A few weeks ago my boyfriend (the current one that I have no intention of dumping thankyouverymuch) said he played it through in co-op with one of his friends, and said that it was good that way and I should give it a go. He offered to play it through with me, and then it was forgotten about.

And then today (or, the date on this blog rather than the day I'm writing it. sshhh) my awesome friend from across the water - we'll call him ... uhm.... I was going to call him Bobby, but on the off chance he hates being called Bobby I'll call him The Chris To My Sheva. Chris for short... - Chris offered to play it through, because we had nothing else to play together and his copy was sitting idle for months too.

Lets just say that RE5 is very different in co-op as it is in single mode. It's so much better when there's two people. Granted, I still suck (a moment of "Give me your grenades....... the other grenades" comes to mind, or even 'Chris' screaming down the headset "DID YOU JUST PRESS THAT BUTTON?!?! DID YOU PRESS THAT BUTTON?!?!?!? I saw it and and thought nooooo, I'm not pressing that button!" and my answer of "you mean the big red button?" ), but luckily my awesome Chris is awesome and doesn't mind too much. Or at least pretends not to mind.

Of six chapters we completed four the first day, and one the next, so we only have one left to do. It's been a great laugh... for me at least... and I would recommend anyone looking to play the now-aged game of Resident Evil 5 go have a go at it with a friend. It's like the LEGO games; much better played with a friend.

So I just want to thank my Chris for letting me be his Sheva. :)

That wasn't much of a review, was it?

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