Tuesday, June 29, 2010

121 - Thinking Caps!

While we’re on the topic of shows...

The Doctor Who finale was incredible too. I only started watching DW this season, and now I want to backtrack and watch the last few series. While I’m not a fan of Christopher Eccleston I do love David Tennant. Yes, I have heard of him without Doctor Who! Harry Potter or Hamlet, anyone?

I did recently tell my friend that she should watch this season too, but I did need one thing explained to me. Or, rather, one character, for whom an explanation just helped her story along a bit. So, Megan, if you read this and you’re going to watch this series, you should know that River – the black woman with highlighted-ish brown curls – was in the show before, briefly, and all we gathered from that was she knew the Doctor, but it was the first time he met her (get your time travel thinking cap on), and while she knows everything about him – having spent what we can presume is a large or at least important chunk of her life with him – all subsequent meetings with her in this season happen before the Doctor got/gets to know her, in his timeline. To make it more complicated River also time travels about, though not by the same means that the Doctor does (he has a Tardis, she has some bracelet gizmo thinger).

I’m afraid this is harder to explain than to understand...

It’s easier to think of it in terms of following the Doctor’s timeline...

So, the Doctor (in an episode before this series) comes across this woman called River. He slowly finds out that River knows him almost better than he knows himself, because she spent an unspecified amount of time with him in her past. She also kept a diary of everything they did – or, to him, ‘will do’ – together, which he (in his future, when they actually know each other) told her to never show him should she ever come across him on her travels (and I don’t mean to Hawaii) because, you know, finding out about your future before it happens is a bad thing. Oh, and, when he meets her for the first time (in that episode from the old series) she has a sonic screwdriver, of which there is only one in existence, and the Doctor owns it. Present Doctor, that is, since we don’t know what the hell is going on with future doctor, considering River has future Doctor’s screwdriver.


I bet Megan won’t even watch it after all that anyway.

Monday, June 28, 2010

120 - Supernatural

It’s kind of funny... my internet is down and to pass the time before I can check my emails I decide to write a blog. This is the world that we live in, I suppose.

I just watched the season 5 finale of Supernatural.

I know most of my friends don’t actually watch this show, which is fine because there are plenty of other shows that we have in common to talk about instead. Why my friends don’t watch Supernatural and I do, I don’t know....

Actually, I do know. The people I used to watch it with are either in London or I don’t talk to any more. Oh well.

Supernatural is fantastic. I’ll push it on anyone that will let me. If there’s anyone reading this that wants a show to get in to and doesn’t want to have to wait forever between episodes, pick up Supernatural. You’re already a hundred shows behind.

Without spoilers, I’ll just say that it was written like a show finale, not just a season finale (you know what I mean?) I was bawling for the last 20 minutes, and when it ended I had to text my sister to ask her if they had actually finished totally or if there was going to be another season. It was amazing. It was heartbreaking. It was funny (if I ever call you an ass-butt you will know where I picked it up from).

Click HERE

Sunday, June 27, 2010

119 - LEGO Harry Potter

It goes without saying that Harry Potter is a win.

LEGO Harry Potter is a match made in heaven.

The game was released on Friday and after two days of playing it we have just reached the beginning of the third year.

For those who have never played a LEGO game before, I'll just say that they're more fun than you would think, and each level can be played through several times before you stop finding new stuff to do. This game covers four years, and each year has six levels. That's 24 levels that can be played through at least twice. That's a lot of gaming.

Go on, buy a LEGO game! They're all really great, but Harry is my favourite. No prizes if you already guessed that.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

118 - Re-meh-nder

I just got a text from the lady that runs the Weight Watchers meetings I recently dropped out of.

It made my eye twitch.

Not only did she use text-speak ("havnt cn u l8ly") but I really don't need a reminder that I 'gave up'.

1) I can't afford it.
2) I can't stand her whiny voice or total inaccuracy with pretty much everything.
3) Yes, I have had a really bad few days. Bite me.

Friday, June 25, 2010

117 - Suing For Damages

My housemate broke my glass.

I feel silly for wanting to make him replace it though.

Poor glasses. That's half of them gone.

I feel like writing some poetry now...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

116 - Cock Block

I've discovered a whole new meaning to that term.

Most of you guys know I've had a book in my head for years and recently I started putting it on paper. My biggest fear was always never having enough ideas to keep going, but now that I've started I have reached a new hurdle.

My protagonist is a guy.

I'm a girl.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to write as someone from a different country let alone a different species? I mean... gender...

It's really tricky.

I had to do something before he started going gay on me, so I thought some manly music would help. That's where I reached another hurdle.

I'm a girl.

Most of my music runs along the lines of Whitesnake, Journey, Josh Groban, Maroon 5... you get the picture.

Hopefully Breaking Benjamin will be my saving grace on this one. Watch this space.

Note: Stephenie Meyer listened to Muse when writing the Twilight books. Look at Edward. I rest my case.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

115 - How Russians Sell Car Insurance

I was going to embed it but I couldn't figure out how to turn off auto play. So here, click on THIS.

Warning: Possibly not suitable for work-place viewing. Maybe.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

114 - Heard Me Coming

I have THE noisiest shopping bag ever.

Over here we don't get given plastic bags in shops any more, so we either have to buy heavy plastic or eco-material or canvas ones every time, or bring our own. I got tired of dying every time I did my weekly shop and carrying it home, so I got one with wheels. It was hard to find one that didn't look like it belonged to a seventy year old dear.

Yet find one I did. It's pink with big funky blue and white and green flowers on it.

And it sounds like a plane is landing when I drag it along.

Seriously, my roomie heard me coming from half a street away and laughed when he saw it was me. I actually had to stop walking so I could hear what he was saying. Embarrassing? No, because I know everyone wants my awesome bag and they're just jealous when they stare.

Monday, June 21, 2010

113 - Mint Julip (Lush Review)

Lush's lip scrubs are probably the weirdest thing they produce. They're basically sugar mixed with oils into a paste, that they put in little jars and sell as lip exfoliation. It's quite clever really.

They come in three flavours. Mint Julip (mint chocolate, made with vanilla extract, cocoa butter and peppermint oil), Sugar Lips (chocolaty, made with cocoa butter and vanilla extract), and Bubblegum (sweet, smells like Snow Fairy shower gel).

You take a little bit of the sugary stuff and rub it into your lips where the sugar granules scrub away dead and hard skin, the butters and oils leave your lips soft, and then you lick off the sugar. Yep, the only Lush product that's as edible as it smells. It tastes really, really good too! Of course, you can always get someone to kiss it off for you...

I'd recommend it as a treat, as a little pot costs almost €7 (£4.50). If you do use them be careful not to use yours too much, as more than once or twice a day makes your lips sore and sometimes the oils can just be too much if used often on sensitive skin. Use it wisely and you will love it.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

112 - Good Old School Days

I miss board games.

In fact, I haven't typed 'board games' in so long that it just took me three attempts to spell it right.

I spent three hours learning and playing a board game this evening. A real one. With dice and counters and everything! It was so much fun and it got me thinking about the last board game I played. I believe the last one was Disney Trivia on Christmas Day with my sister and my cousin.

We were only playing because out cousin wanted to, of course. Yup...

Before that - and not counting TCGs (that's trading card games for those non-nerds, or those too cool to admit to knowing what TCG stands for) or chess or anything electronic - it was probably about ten years ago.

Oh, no, wait... does Harry Potter Scene It count? If it does this blog is pretty much void.

Alright, apart from Disney Trivia and Harry Potter Scene It and various TCGs, it's been a long while! I just miss the kind of fun we had when we were kids, lying belly-down on the living room floor at a cousin's or a friend's, playing The Game Of Life or Cluedo. It's made me want to start something like a weekly/fortnightly/monthly old school games night. Hmm...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

111 - Picnic In The Park

The plan was to get loads of food and sit in the park in the sunshine with the boyfriend and a new friend (or an old friend, depending on who you asked)(Hi Nomi!).

We had the food. We had the perfect, quiet little park away from the crazy-busy tourist trap that most people go to. We had the sunshine.

And then before we could eat we were kicked out of the park by a short guy with a big bell. And he wouldn't stop ringing it! Oh, and we were pooped on. Maybe. If it was poop the bird exploded or had a bad case of the squirts. Otherwise it could have been some kid over the hedge that sprayed watered-down paint or flour and water. The jury is still out on that one.

We relocated to another park where everyone except me sat in gum and I discovered I'm not the only one who really appreciates a good pair of designer (ahem), quality sunglasses. We did, however, eat our way through six different flavours of crisps (bratwurst sausage is my favourite, and we were left wondering if BBQ kangaroo actually tastes like what we were tasting).

Also, vuvuzelas are really frickin loud! When the players are complaining they really have reason to!

The moral of the Saturday is, you can have picnic without much eating and plenty of bad luck and still have a really great time. Again, again! Though without the poop and gum next time, maybe.

Friday, June 18, 2010

110 - Oops?

Something you don't hear every day... this made me laugh. For the record, it's a joke!

Me: That's not awkward.
X: Are you un-awkwardable?
Me: Not entirely.
Me: I've seen you naked, so you can't make me awkward.
X: Yeah, sorry about that...
X: But then again, I've seen you naked.
Me: Yeah, sorry about that...

X: Well, there can't be all that many people who have seen you naked.

Me: 6? I think.
X: Plus all those people who logged onto that webcam I put in your bedroom.

Me: You mean the bedroom that my mum now sleeps in? Eeeewww
X: That camera isn't nearly as popular as the one I had in *my* room when you were over.

Me: Now now, just because you watch that video every day doesn't make it popular.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

109 - The Natural Look

Specific make-up colours and textures, careful balances of neutral shades of layers of foundation, blusher, eyeshadows and so on. All to look like you're not wearing make-up?

I don't get it.

If I put on fifteen layers and a guy said to me, "wow, you're so naturally beautiful" I think I'd be offended.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

108 - N'yaawww!

I'm a bit of a girl. By that I mean I like smelling flowers and soaps, I like candles, teddy bears, sparkly things... and I appreciate the sentimentality of my boyfriend giving me my own set of keys to his apartment.

Am I gloating? Oops, sorry! I really should get that looked at.

So now I have four sets of house keys; my own, the family's, the boy's, and one I misplaced years ago so it doesn't really count, that one of my best friends in London gave me to his apartment. I lost it when I moved back to Ireland.

For the record, you should know that Matt did say that he gave me they keys so he didn't have to get out of his chair every time I came over. Charming. It was also a joke.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

107 - How You Doin'?

I realised today the effect this blog is having on my social life. It was unexpected and quite strange, but now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense.

My friends read my blog and to them, they're hearing from me as though I picked up the phone or sent an email and chatted to them for a while. That's fine really, but what happens then is that I don't hear from my friends for days or weeks at a time. They don't realise it, because they know how I am and what's on my mind or what I get up to, but I have no idea how they are or what's happening in their lives because it doesn't register on a conscious level that the blog as a conversation is completely one-sided.

It's a very strange feeling, knowing that all your friends know all about your day/week/life, but you don't know a thing about theirs, or don't even realise that they know everything you're saying. Half of the people that read this blog I didn't realise even read it at all.

It's like having a diary, leaving it on your front door step and closing the door, not knowing who is going to read it and who isn't, and people rarely knock on the door to talk back.

Monday, June 14, 2010

106 - Buffy (Lush Review)

I bought a box from Lush for €12.50 called the All-Inclusive Package [clicky!]. It really is fantastic value and is only "while stocks last"... which is a bit silly because you can buy all the items separately anyway. The Buffy body butter and Glorious Mud scrub together should cost more than €12.50, and then they go and throw in little tins of Fair Trade Foot Lotion and Ultralight moisturiser and A Token To The Forest Gods sauna tab AND a Stepping Stone foot scrub. Phew! You get about €18 worth of stuff for a lot less money. So even that is reason enough to buy it! I haven't used anything other than Buffy so far, though, so that's what I'll review.

Buffy was around when I first started buying Lush. It was then called Buffy The Backside Slayer, which is why it stuck in my head from the start. They had to change the name for some reason, probably because it offended someone at some point. Anyway, it's taken me this long to try it.

I wish I tried it sooner!

I love my moisturisers. My skin is really dry and I would have a shower in oil if I could. Actually, I remember when I used to bath in water mixed with baby oil. Hey, it worked!

What I don't love about moisturisers is having to get totally dry after a shower and then having to get all damp again waiting for the stuff to sink into my skin. I'm impatient and don't like being naked, contrary to what you might have heard. (That's a joke, guys.)

So you have your shower, and turn off the water. Then rub yourself all over with the bar of Buffy. It'll feel greasy and grainy at the same time, but that's the best part! The little pieces of rice, almonds and beans exfoliate as you scrub and the cocoa and shea butters get into the pores straight away to instantly moisturise. When you're all scrubbed up - and they tell you to give your butt an extra scrubbing because apparently it helps with all your lumps and bumps we call cellulite, hence the old name - rinse off the little grains, remembering all the nooks and crannies that might collect them. Pat yourself dry and voila! Super soft and yummy smelling skin that you don't have to moisturise. And for those lazy at heart - like myself - even drying yourself afterwards is faster, because the butters make the shower water sit on your skin like raindrops on wax paper. Yes, it is strange to watch. Yes, I stood in the shower watching water freak the hell out on my skin. You will too.

Oh, and there's no need to moisturise afterwards. That's the whole point! It's super softening, extra moisturising, little bit lazy. What's not to love?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

105 - Fruits And Flavours

Why, oh why does cherry flavour not taste like cherries? And strawberry flavour is completely different to strawberries. Chocolate is different to chocolate flavour. Apples... lemons... cheese... none of them taste like what they're meant to actually taste like! I like cherries but not cherry flavour, chocolate but not so much chocolate flavour, strawberry flavour is great, strawberries are most often too sharp for me. Cheese, lemons... mmm cake.

This requires further investigation...

Flavour n. [ˈfleɪvə]
taste perceived in food or liquid in the mouth

Wait... so does that mean that everything tastes different to different people? Is flavour relative to individual perceptions?


Does that mean somewhere, someone actually thinks strawberries and strawberry flavour TASTE THE SAME?!?!?!?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

104 - Shift The Blame

Recently I reviewed a book by Garth Nix.

Garth Nix needs to shoot his editor.

I forgot to mention that while his stories are fantastic and imaginative they are prone to typos, misspellings and even the occasional name change. My sister tells me in one book he switches from "Sylvie" to "Sylvia" and back again several times, for example, and I spotted "Witha..." instead of "With a..."

Has no one pointed out all of the mistakes to them yet? That is the editor's job, after all. The editor is there to comb out the kinks and tangles before going to print.

So you have been warned. If you don't usually pick up on small things like that while reading you might not even notice, but it it really drives you insane, don't read Garth Nix. Or just get used to it for the sake of his great stories.

Friday, June 11, 2010

103 - Aether (New Music!)

Normally I will force big artists down people's necks, but this time I can guarantee no one reading this has ever heard of Aether.

Until now! buahahahah....


I only know of them because my sister is a groupie... I mean, a friend of the band members. They're from the town near where we grew up and she goes to uni with them. Or some of them. Or one of their girlfriends. Oh I can't remember.

They sound like... well... this...

They're instrumental kind of metal kind of rock kind of grr. I love them. If you love them and want an album tell my sister. OK, tell me and I'll tell her and fifty exchanges later you'll have their album (five extra-long tracks for €8). I've been told they want to go tin foil. Get it? Eh? Oh never mind. They're unsigned and did all of the work themselves, so as far as I know the only way to get their album is directly from them, or from a friend who's sister knows them... You get the idea.

Listen to them! Now! In case you missed the link here it is again.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

102 - Never Say Never

I had a very good friend of mine run into some lady troubles. Very basically, he has been friends with her for a long time, he now wants to be more than friends and it's a mystery what will happen. At one point he said to me, "If this doesn't work I don't think I can be just friends with her..." or something to that effect.

He's not the only person I know to have ever said that.

I'm going to say this now; that is total bullshit.

Anyone with a strong enough will can change their perception and relationship with anyone else. I've done it before. Twice. Twice I've had friends that I've liked as more than friends, but for one reason or another it could never be. I forced my brain to think of them differently. It can be done. It is extremely difficult, especially if the person means a lot to you, but it can definitely be done. I'm not promising any relapses, but I can tell you that they get easier to deal with as time moves on.

Uhm... An example! Uhm... Ok, for this we will be a girl, and the other person will be a guy that was a friend that we now have swoony mushy feelings for. Remember, this works both ways if you swap the situation around.

So you like the guy. He likes you as a friend, or for other reasons (be it family, religion, distance, friends, other partners) you just can't be with him as more than a friend. You don't want to lose him entirely. So start treating him as a friend. Call him your friend, do friend type activities, go out with other friends and maybe limit hanging out where it's just the two of you, even distance yourself from him a bit and just remind yourself that he is a friend. Don't even tolerate thinking about even something as tiny as holding his hand or cuddling him. Imagine/see him with other girls and remind yourself that it's fine, force yourself to accept it and be happy for him and stay out of his love life.

Eventually you will see him (or her) as a friend and you will forget you even thought otherwise.

It can be done. You just have to want it enough.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

101 - Lesser Of Two Evils

101 was my locker number in secondary school. Random, pointless fact of the day.

FIFA World Cup has been on for a few days at this stage and I have to say, it's been pretty dull. I'm not usually a fan of football (that's soccer to ye Americano folks) but for some reason my sister and I have been glued to it from the start. When a match is on, ever TV in my family's home was showing it. You might think that sad but every room in the house has a TV and half the people were still in bed watching the first match of the day.

The best match so far has to be England v. USA. Not entirely because it was a good game but because of everything that went with it.

I'll admit that my family - or at least my sister, my brother and I - tend to be anti-England. Not anti-English, because I have friends in London and pretty much everyone I know has ties there, however distant, but anti-England. We really cannot stand English sporting teams or their
lairy supporters. So when something is scored against them we're pretty excitable.

My siblings are somewhat anti-American too, so it was even more
humorous to see them jumping and screaming on behalf of the USA team.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

100 - Shade's Children (Book Review)

I borrowed this book off my sister about twenty months ago and the first night I started to read it I had a pretty bad nightmare involving the quite scary creatures in the book and a chase scene. Since then I've picked it up and put it down again so many times I almost gave up. The weird thing is, this book is very, very good. My sister reckons it took me so long to read it because on a subconscious level, because of that nightmare, I didn't want to. Believe me, on a conscious level I did.

This week the World Cup started and one of my new favourite things is watching a football match while reading a book. The book I had with me was Shade's Children. I was very, very determined to finish it before the end of the week. And I did.

And I wish I had read it sooner.

It's a fantastic book that I've already recommended to friends. Fans of Garth
Nix's other work (most famously the Abhorsen trilogy) may already have picked this up. For those who haven't, or even those who didn't like his other stuff, give this a go.

The best way to describe it (with no spoilers) would be a young adult post-apocalyptic sci-
fi with a tiny hint of romance... fighting big scary (believe me...) creatures to save what's left of humanity... which happens to be only children, because the apocalyptic event made all adults vanish.

If this sounds a little bit like Michael Grant's
Gone, that's OK. It kind of does sound like it. But they two are very different stories. Read them both! Shade's Children is a beautiful little story (by 'little' I mean it's a stand-alone novel as opposed to the trilogies and series I usually go for) and despite the nightmare it's probably one of my favourites.

Garth Nix, I will be back...

Monday, June 7, 2010

099 - Backseat Gamer

For the record, I'm laughing writing this, so please, no one take this as a direct jab or anything. I'm pretty sure all gamers are guilty of this at some point anyway...

Years ago I was accused of being a backseat gamer. This weekend I discovered another one.

Let me explain to those non-gamers out there, because any gamers reading this will know what one is.

When you're playing a single-player video game in the presence of someone who is just as, or (as was the case this weekend) more gamer than you are, you might find that the gamer who is not actually playing sort of believes he is.

There are two types of backseat gamers. The good (helpful) type, and the bad (irritating) type....

Good Type:
"I think I just saw something to pick up there that you missed."
"Oh, don't forget to heal, you're going to die!"
"Careful, you missed one." (When you're about to charge headlong to your own death by a creature you didn't notice.)
or even (to a certain extent)
"They're synthetic, you have a biotic you can use against them."
and other, occasional suggestions and helpful hints for things you may have missed when focused on other things on the screen.

Bad Type:
"Press 'x'. PRESS 'X'! LEFT TRIGGER! SHOOT! THERE'S ONE BEHIND YOU TOO! You're dead again. Why didn't you duck?"
It is at that point I just hand the controller over and wait for the ringing in my ears to subside.

It's why I like playing video games with my sister. She's of the good/helpful type. Mostly because she's the one carrying the walktrough and hiding behind a pillow when we play Silent Hill.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

098 - Nerd Sunday

I had sort of planned to get some writing done today. Instead I went over the the boyfriend's and played video games all day and stuffed myself with ice cream, nuts, muffins, and a giant burger with chips. I think I've gained about four pound this weekend alone. And it was worth it.

What have I been playing, I hear you ask? No? Well I'll tell you anyway. I've started playing Mass Effect (the first one) again. This time with a female character, and I'm making her as nasty and evil as I possibly can. I never play females or bad characters, but I really wanted to see how things would turn out. As a good guy at the end of the second game, I had three people die on me (two in the first, one in the second), so maybe it'll be different when I just don't give a damn and start pissing people off. Teehee.

Anyway, more important than anything already mentioned this weekend, I've realised the importance of speaking one's mind and venting to at least one person. This blog is my way of doing it, and I know it can sometimes come across as me being bitchy or talking behind people's backs, but I assure you it's just me getting a load off my chest, because if I don't things can go very very bad. And I know most people will understand that.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

097 - Dublin Docklands Maritime Festival

SO much fun!

Basically it was a giant market with loads of crafts and food stalls, and a bunch of big ships that looked like pirate ships. What more could you want on a sunny Saturday afternoon? We ate so much that I could barely move and Himself said "uuugh..." more often than actual words. Good times, good times.

The craft stalls were awesome too. Expensive as most festival stalls are, but a lot of the jeweller for example was very pretty. I'm fighting all urges to go get one of the necklaces I eyed up and consequentially fell in love with.

Friday, June 4, 2010

096 - Tingling In My Blood

No it's not diabetes.

My muse is coming back. Slowly but surely. And he brought a new story with him. This one might be better (in my head for now) than the other's I've been working on. Time will tell. And hopefully my muse will hang around this time for the long run.

I'll post up a first few pages and see what you think at some point in the next week or so. It also means any blog posts are likely to be very short. You have been warned.

Watch this space. :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

095 - Mass Effect (Game Review)

Just... just play it, alright?!

Mass Effect is one of my favourite games on the 360, despite it being neither new or the most famous. A few months ago they released Mass Effect 2 and it just got better.

Someone asked me what it was about. And without spoiling anything all I can say is, it's about a hell of a lot. Space travel, guns, explosions, biotic and tech abilities, aliens, relationships, good deeds, bad deeds, government missions, illegal money-making, saving the universe, keeping your pet fish alive...It's thrilling, fast-paced, funny, warming, but only if you want it to be. It is what you make it with your own choices. It's so diverse and multi-faceted it's stunning. It looks pretty too.

It's like Star Wars without the retro, Serenity without the horses, Star Trek without the boredom, Stargate with space ships, Battlestar with more people...

I'm a girl and if I'm saying Mass Effect is my favourite you know it has to be good.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

094 - New (Lush Review)

I really did not like this at all when I smelled it. I don't like cinnamon or cloves, and that's what this smells like. Why did I buy it? Because I wanted it's scalp-friendly properties to work it's magic. And they sort of did.

I bought it specifically because - and I hate to admit it in public, but I've been on a roll lately - due to a medical
catastrophe of hormones, treatments and medication, my hair has been falling out. It's not very noticeable right now but girl it a few years or ten and it may be a different story, if I can't slow it down. I've been trying to prepare myself for looking like a cancer sufferer (sorry, that is NOT in jest or bad humour, I assure you).

So, back to New. The cinnamon and cloves really do make your scalp tingle, which is what stimulates the hair
follicles, or so I hear. So yes, it does it's job. It also moisturises which to me is a really big help too.

So, if you have thinning hair or dry scalp and don't mind the smell of spices, try it out. It's expensive (costs about twice or three times as much as a standard bottle of shampoo) but it lasts a long time (mine lasted almost four months).

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

093 - What Did You Say About My Friend?!?!?

I have weird friends. Or to be more specific, their friendships with me are strange, from the way we behave to what we would consider acceptable that most other people wouldn't.

I have Sunshine, Tiny, the Welsh One, the Cat-Lover, and before he was my boyfriend we were really good friends so The Boyfriend gets counted too. Things that are pretty standard with all/most of these friends include:

Cuddling in bed or under a duvet.
Holding hands (more specifically, playing with fingers, as I tend to do without thinking).
Sitting on laps.
Linking arms.
Head--shoulder resting.
Head--boob resting (and they're not subtle about it either).
(Also, let me point out here that not all of the friends listed are male).
Sleeping with (in the same bed, get your mind out of the gutter!).
Saying "I love you!" whether in text, on the phone, in person or yelled across the street.
Using terms like "hun", "darlin", "gorgeous", etc. in greeting and conversation.
Blowing kisses to.

Basically, they're like lovers/husbands/wives without the kissing and business time.

I also have one friend, C-Doll, who I have known for several years but have yet to meet, that probably knows me better than I know myself. And when we do finally meet (hopefully soon... hint hint), the world may implode with excitement/relief/happiness/love/awkwardness. But I know we will fall into all/some of the habits above too, so deserves a mention.

I can also count my sister into the above activities too, which may or may not be even weirder, but there you go. I'm pretty sure she's the same with her friends too, though.

So I was wondering if those friends (some of whom do read this blog and I hope they can tell they are mentioned despite the lack of name) are the same with their other friends, or if it's just me and my slightly strange attraction to cuddles and affection that they just don't fight off. Or... you know... if any of you don't like it now is the time to say so...

Also, I'd like to point out that I behave like that whether I have a boyfriend or not. Is that bad?