Sunday, June 6, 2010

098 - Nerd Sunday

I had sort of planned to get some writing done today. Instead I went over the the boyfriend's and played video games all day and stuffed myself with ice cream, nuts, muffins, and a giant burger with chips. I think I've gained about four pound this weekend alone. And it was worth it.

What have I been playing, I hear you ask? No? Well I'll tell you anyway. I've started playing Mass Effect (the first one) again. This time with a female character, and I'm making her as nasty and evil as I possibly can. I never play females or bad characters, but I really wanted to see how things would turn out. As a good guy at the end of the second game, I had three people die on me (two in the first, one in the second), so maybe it'll be different when I just don't give a damn and start pissing people off. Teehee.

Anyway, more important than anything already mentioned this weekend, I've realised the importance of speaking one's mind and venting to at least one person. This blog is my way of doing it, and I know it can sometimes come across as me being bitchy or talking behind people's backs, but I assure you it's just me getting a load off my chest, because if I don't things can go very very bad. And I know most people will understand that.


  1. A little too much backseat gaming by me. sorry about that. I'm too used to me and Barron having a go at each other while we play. :)

  2. I almost told you to carry on back-seating when after I told you to stop you just kind of whined and "mmpt!" every minute instead. Couldn.t decide which was worse! :P

    Actually, I feel a blog coming on...
