Tuesday, June 22, 2010

114 - Heard Me Coming

I have THE noisiest shopping bag ever.

Over here we don't get given plastic bags in shops any more, so we either have to buy heavy plastic or eco-material or canvas ones every time, or bring our own. I got tired of dying every time I did my weekly shop and carrying it home, so I got one with wheels. It was hard to find one that didn't look like it belonged to a seventy year old dear.

Yet find one I did. It's pink with big funky blue and white and green flowers on it.

And it sounds like a plane is landing when I drag it along.

Seriously, my roomie heard me coming from half a street away and laughed when he saw it was me. I actually had to stop walking so I could hear what he was saying. Embarrassing? No, because I know everyone wants my awesome bag and they're just jealous when they stare.

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