Sunday, June 13, 2010

105 - Fruits And Flavours

Why, oh why does cherry flavour not taste like cherries? And strawberry flavour is completely different to strawberries. Chocolate is different to chocolate flavour. Apples... lemons... cheese... none of them taste like what they're meant to actually taste like! I like cherries but not cherry flavour, chocolate but not so much chocolate flavour, strawberry flavour is great, strawberries are most often too sharp for me. Cheese, lemons... mmm cake.

This requires further investigation...

Flavour n. fleɪvə]
taste perceived in food or liquid in the mouth

Wait... so does that mean that everything tastes different to different people? Is flavour relative to individual perceptions?


Does that mean somewhere, someone actually thinks strawberries and strawberry flavour TASTE THE SAME?!?!?!?


  1. Doubtful, BUT it's possible their strawberries taste like strawberry flavour does to you

    (please note the special added u in there, just for you)

  2. <3 u

    And that doesn't make sense. Not that any of it makes sense anyway...

  3. Well, it's like... have you ever wondered if colors are the same to everyone? I mean, isn't it technically possible that 'blue' to me is your 'green'?

  4. Dave chapelle does a good skit about the difference between juice and 'drink'
    search for "grape drink" :p

  5. Megan, I get what you're trying to say, but when you have natural and constant things like the blue sky and gree grass and yellow daffodils, Everyone has the same reference of what they see to the name of the colour. Even colourblind people see 'colours' as different shades or tones and can sometimes tell the difference and pick them out.

    Unless that's what you're trying to say. That green as registered in your mind might be different to the green in mine, and my green, if you could see it as I see, might be blue to you...?

  6. yes, exactly that. Our reference points could be the same (IE, "grass" is always "green" but what i'm seeing could actually be what you'd classify as a different color, if you could look through my eyes).

    Perception's a weird little thing...
