Wednesday, June 2, 2010

094 - New (Lush Review)

I really did not like this at all when I smelled it. I don't like cinnamon or cloves, and that's what this smells like. Why did I buy it? Because I wanted it's scalp-friendly properties to work it's magic. And they sort of did.

I bought it specifically because - and I hate to admit it in public, but I've been on a roll lately - due to a medical
catastrophe of hormones, treatments and medication, my hair has been falling out. It's not very noticeable right now but girl it a few years or ten and it may be a different story, if I can't slow it down. I've been trying to prepare myself for looking like a cancer sufferer (sorry, that is NOT in jest or bad humour, I assure you).

So, back to New. The cinnamon and cloves really do make your scalp tingle, which is what stimulates the hair
follicles, or so I hear. So yes, it does it's job. It also moisturises which to me is a really big help too.

So, if you have thinning hair or dry scalp and don't mind the smell of spices, try it out. It's expensive (costs about twice or three times as much as a standard bottle of shampoo) but it lasts a long time (mine lasted almost four months).


  1. I feel your pain :( in all honesty, cutting out the shampoo entirely really helped to slow mine down (though I'm back to shampooing occasionally now, just because I don't have the patience to co-wash). That and not putting it up as much (yeah, ask me how that's going) as i think it breaks the hairs more and makes it FEEL thinner than it is. *sigh*

    stupid PCOS.

  2. I can't not use shampoo, but the lush stuff is the best kind of alternative, and then only shampooing it maybe 2 or 3 times a week. Rarely tie it up either and when I do, I do it loosely.

    I had to go back to shampoo shampoo because my New ran out and I can't afford more just yet, and it's coming out in fistfulls. Seriously. It looks like I pull a wet dog from the plughole every time. Gah.

    Though because my hair is so dark and my skin so light it looks worse at the scalp. If it parts just right it's depressing.

  3. yeah whenever my roots are showing (like right now) it always looks worse on mine... stupid blonde hairs are barely visible, so I look bald at the scalp but normal everywhere else. weiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiird...
