Wednesday, June 9, 2010

101 - Lesser Of Two Evils

101 was my locker number in secondary school. Random, pointless fact of the day.

FIFA World Cup has been on for a few days at this stage and I have to say, it's been pretty dull. I'm not usually a fan of football (that's soccer to ye Americano folks) but for some reason my sister and I have been glued to it from the start. When a match is on, ever TV in my family's home was showing it. You might think that sad but every room in the house has a TV and half the people were still in bed watching the first match of the day.

The best match so far has to be England v. USA. Not entirely because it was a good game but because of everything that went with it.

I'll admit that my family - or at least my sister, my brother and I - tend to be anti-England. Not anti-English, because I have friends in London and pretty much everyone I know has ties there, however distant, but anti-England. We really cannot stand English sporting teams or their
lairy supporters. So when something is scored against them we're pretty excitable.

My siblings are somewhat anti-American too, so it was even more
humorous to see them jumping and screaming on behalf of the USA team.


  1. I adore the fact that a random 22 second commercial played in England JUST as they scored their one and only goal. That had to hurt. I was lucky, I was sitting in an Irish pub for the game. -nods-

  2. That was hilarious. It was only one specific channel too. ITV HD. Most people were watching it on regular ITV (Irish/UK) or RTE (Irish) or Sky Sports or something, but the yobbos that paid extra money to watch FOOTBALL in HIGH DEFINITION on their expensive TVs, probably sipping wine and nibbling on cheese - ok, bit too far there, I apologise - they were the only ones that it happened to. Everyone else... everyone middle to lower class that wasn't just showing off (because really... football in HD is so much better??) got uninterrupted coverage. We didn't hear about it until the day after when it was in the news.
