Tuesday, June 29, 2010

121 - Thinking Caps!

While we’re on the topic of shows...

The Doctor Who finale was incredible too. I only started watching DW this season, and now I want to backtrack and watch the last few series. While I’m not a fan of Christopher Eccleston I do love David Tennant. Yes, I have heard of him without Doctor Who! Harry Potter or Hamlet, anyone?

I did recently tell my friend that she should watch this season too, but I did need one thing explained to me. Or, rather, one character, for whom an explanation just helped her story along a bit. So, Megan, if you read this and you’re going to watch this series, you should know that River – the black woman with highlighted-ish brown curls – was in the show before, briefly, and all we gathered from that was she knew the Doctor, but it was the first time he met her (get your time travel thinking cap on), and while she knows everything about him – having spent what we can presume is a large or at least important chunk of her life with him – all subsequent meetings with her in this season happen before the Doctor got/gets to know her, in his timeline. To make it more complicated River also time travels about, though not by the same means that the Doctor does (he has a Tardis, she has some bracelet gizmo thinger).

I’m afraid this is harder to explain than to understand...

It’s easier to think of it in terms of following the Doctor’s timeline...

So, the Doctor (in an episode before this series) comes across this woman called River. He slowly finds out that River knows him almost better than he knows himself, because she spent an unspecified amount of time with him in her past. She also kept a diary of everything they did – or, to him, ‘will do’ – together, which he (in his future, when they actually know each other) told her to never show him should she ever come across him on her travels (and I don’t mean to Hawaii) because, you know, finding out about your future before it happens is a bad thing. Oh, and, when he meets her for the first time (in that episode from the old series) she has a sonic screwdriver, of which there is only one in existence, and the Doctor owns it. Present Doctor, that is, since we don’t know what the hell is going on with future doctor, considering River has future Doctor’s screwdriver.


I bet Megan won’t even watch it after all that anyway.


  1. waaaaiiiitttt a minnute. David Tennant was in Harry Potter? Where did I miss this?

  2. He played Barty Crouch Jr. With the weird tongue twitchy thing.
