Saturday, May 1, 2010

062 - Iron Man 2 (Movie Review)

I sort of didn't want to go see this, but I somehow managed to get roped into telling two different people that I would see it with them. Yup. I went from not wanting to see it to having to see it twice.

I went with my sister yesterday, because she's my sister and while Iron Man was never really my thing, she loved it and
funs time with my sister is always, well, good fun. So I said I'd go. And uh...


ok, its no Avatar (don't kill me) but it was a really great movie nonetheless. It was hysterically funny even I, who has never read a comic book, enjoyed it immensely.

I wish I could talk about the parts that I liked, but I really don't want to ruin it for anyone. If you liked the first movie, you'll love this one. If you didn't like the first movie, or never saw it, give this one a go anyway.

Downey Jr. is very easy on the eyes, at least. And Scarlett Johansson is hott. Yep, she gets two 't's. Don't hate me. You know you would too.

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