Thursday, May 20, 2010

081 - Life Is Short

Everyone has heard it said before. Almost everyone reading this has probably said it themselves. "Life is short." I've been wondering how many people have actually really thought about what it means. I was left to my own devices of boredom this morning and ended up really thinking about life - my life in particular.

I've lived approximately one third of my life already, or just under.
One third.
Four slices of a 12" pizza.

That's a lot. I know I'm young still, I'm not saying that 24 years old is ancient. Hell, it's barely adult. But it is a large chunk of the average lifetime.

And what do I have to prove my 24 years? Not a lot. And that's the clincher. Sure, I know people older than me who still live at home with their parents and never had a substantial relationship and never held a job. I also know people younger than me with families, careers, the first stepping stones of the path that is the rest of their lives.

My obvious train of thought was that I generally suck - no job, no family other than the one I was born into - but then I got over myself and really thought about the things I have achieved. There is some success in my life. It's a delicate balance between it and the vast expanse of blah. True, I don't have a lot of stuff to show, but I have some things, and quite often they're drowned in the shadows of the blah.

I never finished college, but when I look at my designer friends I feel thankful that I didn't. It's not ideal to say that you're a drop-out - I wouldn't recommend it to anyone - but when I picture myself in the career I was set to achieve, all I can see is the maltreatment, stress, low wages and zero advancement potential that 90% of my designer friends currently deal with. Do I want that? No. If working as something less glamorous means I don't have to put up with all that, I'd be happy. Now, just to find a crap job... hmm...

As for relationships, I've had my fair share, and most of them were horrible. Do I regret them, so? No, not really, because they all helped make me the kind of person I am in a relationship now. I learned what to do, and what not to do. I learned what kind of guys yo stay away from and what kind of guys would break my heart (and, in some cases, other girls' hearts at the same time). And the result? I knew what I wanted and how to keep hold of it... er, him... uhm... so far, anyway. Haha... ha... uh....

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