Sunday, May 23, 2010

084 - Blonde

Do blonds have more fun? If so, why?

And which is really [stereotypically] better? Blonds, with the fun, beauty, carefree attitudes, easy raunchy sexiness (uhm...), more likely to get their own way (apparently...)

Or brunettes, with the sophistication, mystery (I don't know... I'm writing what I've been reading), intelligence (again... don't hate me), respect...?

Or, indeed, redheads, who are reportedly scary, fiery, sassy, with mean attitudes. And I'm not arguing there at all. I doubt any of my ginger... I mean, redheaded friends... would disagree.

Which is more attractive, on men or women, and why? Which will get you further in life? Which will earn the right kind of attention? Just go with the questioning, I'm not saying there is really a ranking... or, does that mindset make me brunette anyway?


  1. all depends on what appeals to you, I s'pose... some people are attracted to more dominant/ "scary" types (hello redheads), others like playing the hero and feeling more intelligent (your stereotypical blond would work here), etc. And that's even if you're working under the assumption that the stereotypes are true more than half the time (which really, I've only found to be more accurate with the redheads... and that might be cuz most of them are by choice, not blood...)

  2. Very good point on the redhead thing. I mean, just writing that, I felt I had to backtrack with the blond and brunette points, but not so much the redhead ones.


    That reminds me of this couple I sat near on the bus. She was brunette, but was as dumb as a turd. Dude, it was mind-numbing just listening to it. Like, asking why the bus wasn't going to tip over, and if it did, how she would run down the stairs to escape. Her boyfriend tried explaining how she couldn't run down stairs that are not vertical, and she still insisted she was taking the fastest way out.

  3. I have to say, I have a soft spot for ginger girls :)

  4. You have a soft spot for any girl that'll put you in your place, though. So again with the angry ginger stereotype.

  5. I'm not angry or scary... >.>
