Sunday, May 2, 2010

063 - Revelation

Thanks to the lovely Matt, I've realised the reason I left Facebook had a very simple and effective solution. I had no idea you could specifically block people! To the point where they don't even exist! Nearly. They don't show up anywhere as far as I can see, and that includes other people's pages, info, and anything else you can think of. So my block list has grown considerably and
Facebook should now be fun once more. For now, anyway.

I went to see Iron Man 2 yesterday, again, and it is still great.

I also got a new phone. You can't see from the picture, but the back is white with a Hello Kitty picture on it. And it's touchscreen, and has a lot of features that have been impressing my dear *cough* and many iphone user friends. And it only cost €99.

I think... win?

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