Monday, March 1, 2010

001 - Superstar D.J.!

'I think that each of us inhabits a private world that others cannot see. The only difference between the writer and the reader is that the writer is able to dramatise that private world. But that private world, once it is dramatised, doesn't live again until it finds a reader.'

- John McGahern (1934-2006)

So here it is. Day one in the life of an unemployed girl in the best city in the world! I may be slightly biased there though.
I feel like I should be making some sort of a pledge to go along with this new-start-new-year thing (yes, I know it's March, but I'm starting a bit late). Maybe I wont cut my hair for a year. Maybe I'll get back on track with my weight loss. Maybe I'll stop saying "maybe". I have a book to write, that's for sure. And I have a city to explore and conquer.

I'll keep you all updated with my adventures.

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