Monday, March 8, 2010

007 - Material Girl

"I need..."


I noticed that I've stopped saying 'I want' and started saying 'I need'. I don't think it was a conscious decision to change my words, but when I catch myself saying I want something I do stop and correct myself, saying instead that I need it. Which is a lie. I don't need any of the things I say that I want. I don't NEED my laptop fixed (well... ish), I don't NEED my Xbox to work again, I don't need to go to the shop on my way home in the morning and get a dirty great big breakfast roll when I have a huge box of cereal to get through and plenty of fruit. I don't need another pair of lazy pants when I already have a pair.

It's strange because I can't remember when exactly things changed for me. When I was little all I needed was my imagination to get by, and now I'm battling with a false need for... for things! New books or games or anything that costs money that I don't really have. Perhaps I needed to be totally broke to realise how materialistic I've become.

I do miss my laptop though!!!

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