Friday, March 5, 2010

004 - Blog? Me?

"You're going to blog about this, aren't you?"
"No, because I won't get back on time!"


I know, I know... It's technically 5th March and technically I missed a day, but I'm not going to just let it slide past and hope no one notices, am I?

So, what happened? It's quite funny really. No, honestly.

I was at my awesome friend, Matt's place earlier today and the time came when I had to go home. So as per usual, Matt was going to take me back into town so the Big Bad Wolf didn't get me by myself. Anyway... too-much-detail-story short, Matt's place has two doors you have to go through to get in and out. One door between the flat and the hall, one between the hall and outside. Right? With me so far?

We left the flat, into the hall, shut the door... and Matt realised we didn't pick up his keys. And no, we couldn't open the hall/outside door without them either...

Forty-five minutes (trapped in the hallway) later Matt broke into his flat. Literally.

They really don't make door frames like they used to...

So I missed the last bus and the last train, and got a taxi home.

But it was really funny...


  1. oooooooh you've never lived until you've broken down a door. I have fun pictures of the one my roommate in college and I splintered after we locked ourselves out of her room... with our bags and band instruments inside the room and buses to catch about 4 hours later.

    Good times. lol

  2. i only busted the receiver from the door frame, ive kind of jury rigged a fix now and it seems to be fairly solid. my brother in law is a carpenter ill get him to do a proper job on it.
