Tuesday, March 30, 2010

030 - Shutter Island (Movie Review)

I heard a lot of different opinions on this movie before I went to see it with my sister. A few people said it was crap, but my sister's friend and our mother both said it was really good and "had a big twist at the end."

I think it was our extensive history of playing mind-probing games like Silent Hill that had my sister and I figuring out this 'big twist' within the first few minutes. Yet even though we knew what was going on both of us did love the movie. A lot.

It has to be said that it took me a while to get used to the atmosphere of the whole thing. Imagine one of those old movies with the detectives in their trench coats and fedora hats, squinty eyes and cigarettes hanging out of their mouths. Tense (yet, these days, laughable) soundtrack with heavy, dramatic drum pounding BUMM... BUMM BUMM... BUMM... EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! That's the high pitched whistle/screech from an instrument I can never recognise. What made this different though, was the very modern way in which it was shot. It combined the old, fifties, crime thriller atmosphere, with edgy, suspenseful camera shots and unusual filming effects. Very, very strange. Very, very different. And very, VERY good.

The story is about this detective marshal guy and his partner that go to an island to investigate the disappearance (escape) of one of the patients (prisoners) of the mental institution that the island is home to. A simple idea that, as promised, is twisted and woven into a suspenseful plot that will have you hooked, even if you did guess the ending before the detectives even set foot on the island.

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