Tuesday, March 2, 2010

002 - Twi...uuuugh


Once upon a time, the Twilight series of books were some of my favourite. I read them through once and jumped on the fangirl bandwagon. I was hooked. I was so hooked that when the first movie came out I was more than excited. I went to see it in the cinema three times. I bought the DVD.

Twilight was on TV last night, so I settled down to watch it. I managed about thirty minutes before turning it over.


Where was I and what kind of state of mind was I in when I actually loved this movie, and swooned over the books? I'm not going to go on a rant about why I don't like them any more, because I'm sure anyone that would read this has already heard their fill of negativity. All I will say is that the guy in the video above, Alex Day (aka. Nerimon on youtube - check him out!) makes some very good points, and I prefer watching his short videos about the books than actually reading the books.

Edit: I remember where I was when I first read Twilight. I was in hospital. Maybe I needed somewhere to escape to so badly that I was thankful for Meyer's work... huh...


  1. "A little bit of everything from a Dublin girl with nothing better to do...."

    Nice header. I like that. :)

  2. it's entirely possible. I don't know what my excuse was/is... I just couldn't put them down. *shrug* there's something about them... even knowing they're fluff and not well written and even knowing I HATE how the series ends... i still get some weird enjoyment out of reading them. Now, the first movie is just plain awkward and uncomfortable to watch. But yeah. Maybe my brain likes the stupidity at times, so it can feel superior :P

  3. Check out my blog whenever you have a chance. I'm sure it can be an interesting read.

  4. James; Thank you! :)

    Megan; When I was reading them I LOVED them. That's why I don't understand how I loathe them so much now. Though I do like the second movie... for obvious reasons. :P

    Bill; I'll get to it I'm sure. Thanks. :)
