Friday, March 12, 2010

012 - Men...!?

"At least you don't date women. With men there's always at least one right thing to say. With women, it's rare that there is ever a right thing to say..."


It's true! So if I ever complain about being a straight women, remind me of that, someone, please.

I'm not going to give any details about how my day started out because it will get me into serious trouble, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the general gist of it. What I am going to share with you are a few points that I've learned about men and women over the past few years.

Men let go of things a lot faster than women. That doesn't mean he'll apologise first, but if left to themselves after an argument, men will calm down faster. Women can hold their bad mood aaaaall daaay if they feel like it, even if it's not really fair on the guy... even if it doesn't make sense any more.

Women are more likely to talk to their friends about their partner or their partner-related problems. Men either don't bring it up at all, or take it up with their partner directly. Why? I have no idea.

Both men and women - whether single, committed, married or otherwise - will look at (as in, 'check out') other women/men. If they say they don't, they're lying. If someone tells their partner to stop doing it, they're being hypocritical. Everyone looks. Looking is fine, though. Look, but don't touch. It's when people aren't satisfied with just looking that problems start.

For the sceptical women out there; men have feelings too! I know, have a chuckle, but for every broken-hearted women out there there's a broken man too. No, they don't get over it any faster than we do. Yes, losing a love is just as painful for them. I know most women might find it hard to believe, but think about my previous point that women talk more than men. It makes sense that women think they feel so much more pain from a break-up when they share it with their friends so easily, but it's just not the case. And I'll kick and bury as many of my friends' ex-girlfriends as I will ex-boyfriends if I ever get my hands on them...

Anyone else have any Men&Women observations to share?


  1. I think it might be actually more painful for men. Women have that support system of female friends they can call and cry to, commiserate with and generally focus on letting go of those emotions and moving on.

    For guys, it's not "cool" to talk about those things, and it's down right unacceptable to cry (generally speaking, I mean). So they're forced to internalize everything and try to work through it on their own... which I think we can all agree, never works out quite like you want.

  2. That's very true. Maybe that's why more and more people are looking for friends of the opposite sex, too. You know, women looking for men because they don't share their own problems so they don't have to worry about it, and men seeking women because female friends are less likely to ditch them if they do need to have a deep-and-meaningful.
